The purpose of the Past Exalted Ruler Association (PERA) of Bowie Lodge #2309is to support Lodge activities and have fun doing it! Association members volunteertheir services on New Year's Day to cook and serve traditional holiday foods to thelodge membership, and provide festive activities in the social quarters for thosewatching the Bowl games. This celebratory occasion gives the 'paid employees' anopportunity to spend the holiday with their family.The PERA also awards an 'Honorary Past Exalted Ruler' award to those memberswho assist the Association in their efforts. Each member is given a certificaterecognizing their efforts, along with an imaginary Past Exalted Ruler Blazer, ringand name tag. The PERA also sponsors a '200 Club' that provides members thechance to be part of the Association's efforts. A gathering is held in Februaryand August of each year when a wonderful meal and prizes are given to themembers and guests. The Past Exalted Rulers Association meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m.The elections for their officers is held at the February meeting of the '200 Club' andmembers are expected to serve at each function.