FLAG DAY CEREMONY (excerpted from Ritual of Special Services manual)
Our Flag is at once a history, a declaration, and a prophecy. It represents the American nation as it was at its birth; it speaks for what it is today; and it holds the opportunity for the future to add other stars to the glorious constellation.
The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks is the first and only fraternal body to require formal observance of “Flag Day.” In July of 1908, the Grand Lodge of this Order, at Dallas, Texas, then assembled, provided for the annual nationwide observance of “Flag Day” on the 14th of June in each year, by making it mandatory upon each Local Lodge of the Order. This unique distinction as the strongest promoter of “Flag Day” is most becoming to the Order of Elks.
This Order is distinctively American. Only American citizens are eligible to join it and it has no foreign affiliations. It has linked its destiny with the destiny of our country and made this Flag its symbol of self-dedication to God, to country, and to fellow men.
** Please check the Calendar for date and time of the Old Bridge Elks Flag Day Ritual held each June on or around Flag Day. It's a wonderful display of patriotism ***