Brother Joseph Kruss passed away in April. He was born on May 30, 1920 and was 93 years old. HE was a member of Elkdom for 55 years. His proposer was William Murray. Thank you Joseph for everything you did for this lodge. You will be missed.
Brother Richard Tapia passed away January 31st, 2014. Thank YOU Richard for everything you did for this Lodge and Elkdom. YOU will be missed.
Sister Charlotte Smith passed away January 10th, 2013. Thank YOU Charlotte for everything you did for this Lodge and Elkdom. YOU will be missed.
Brother John O'Conner passed away February 25th, 2013. Thank YOU John for everything you did for this Lodge and Elkdom. YOU will be missed.
Brother Larry Phillips passed away March 18th, 2013. Thank YOU Larry for everything you did for this Lodge and Elkdom. YOU will be missed.
Life Member Brother Wade Murdoch passed away April 20th, 2013. Brother Wade was a member of Elkdom for 45 years. Thank YOU Wade for Everything you did for this Lodge and Elkdom. YOU will be missed.
Brother Rudolph "Rudy" B. Solem passed away July 8th, 2013. Rudy was member of Elkdom for 29 years. Thank YOU Rudy for Everything you did for this Lodge and Elkdom. YOU will be missed.
Brother George Howard III passed away August 28th, 2013. George was a member of Elkdom for 36 years. Thank YOU George for Everything you did for this Lodge and Elkdom. YOU will be missed.
Brother Milton Mackaig passed away September 4th, 2013. Milton was a past City Council Member and Mayor of the City of Downey. He was a member of Elkdom for 56 years. Thank YOU Milton for all your Service to this Lodge, Elkdom, and the City of Downey. YOU will be missed.
Brother Craig Heiser passed away on October 1st, 2013. Craig was a valued member of this Lodge and Elkdom for 15 years. THANK YOU CRAIG for your Service.... YOU WILL BE MISSED.
Brother Mark Vasquez passed away on October 8th, 2013. Mark was a valued member of this Lodge and Elkdom for 24 years. THANK YOU MARK for your Service.... YOU WILL BE MISSED.
Brother Frank Scanland passed away on October 16th, 2013. Frank was a valued member of this Lodge and Elkdom. THANK YOU FRANK for your Service.... YOU WILL BE MISSED.
Brother Joe Muniz passed away on December 27th, 2013. Joe was a valued member of this Lodge and Elkdom. THANK YOU JOE for your Service.... YOU WILL BE MISSED.
Brother Don Reese passed away February 20th, 2012. Thank YOU Don for everything you did for this Lodge and Elkdom. YOU will be missed.
Brother William "Bill" Youngblood passed away April 15th, 2012. Thank YOU Bill for Everything YOU did for this Lodge and Elkdom. YOU will be missed.
Sister Graciela Ishibashi passed away June 2nd, 2012. Thank YOU Graciela for everything you did for this Lodge and Elkdom. YOU will be missed.
Charter Member John Moeller passed away October 1st, 2012. John was an Elk Member for 59 years. Thank YOU John for your Faithful Membership and Everything you did for this Lodge and Elkdom. YOU will be missed.
Brother Jack Andreasen passed away October 23rd, 2012. Jack was a great friend to all who knew him. Thank YOU Jack for your Faithful Membership and Everything you did for this Lodge and Elkdom.
Brother Don Thomas passed away November 13th, 2012. Don will be missed. Thank YOU Don for Everything you did for this Lodge and Elkdom.
Brother Douglas Creek passed away December 30th, 2012. Douglas will be missed. Thank YOU Douglas for Everything You Did for this Lodge and Elkdom.
Brother Wesley Eades, Elk of the Year, passed away January 25th, 2011. Thank YOU Wes for Everthing you did for this Lodge and Elkdom. Thank YOU for always being there to help others... you will be missed. S
ister Melba Willbanks, passed away February 7th, 2011. Thank YOU Melba for everything you did for this Lodge and Elkdom. Your kind smile and willingness to help others will be missed.
Brother William "Pee Wee" Carlson, passed away February 19th, 2011. Thank YOU Pee Wee for everything you did for this Lodge and Elkdom. Your kind smile and gentle spirit is a guide for others to follow. You Will Be Missed.
Brother Robert "Bob" Leonard, passed away March 15th, 2011. Thank YOU Bob for everything you did for this Lodge and Elkdom. You were always there when support was needed for a project. You will be Missed.
Brother Robert "Bob" Teevan, passed away March 15th, 2011. Thank YOU Bob for everything you did for this Lodge and Elkdom. You will be Missed.
Brother James "Jimmy Stoops" passed away March 18th, 2011. Thank YOU Jimmy for everything you did for this Lodge and Elkdom. You will be Missed.
Sister Eleanor Luster passed away March 19th, 2011. Longtime Organist for the Lodge. Thank YOU Eleanor for everything you did for this Lodge and Elkdom.
Brother Clarence L. Murphy passed away May 22nd, 2011. He was a 67 year member of Elkdom. Thank YOU Clarence for your many years of service to this Lodge and Elkdom.
Brother Douglas D. Morrow passed away May 28th, 2011. Thank YOU Douglas for your years of service to this Lodge and Elkdom.
Brother Kenneth Steward passed away June 20th, 2011. He was a 19 year member of Elkdom. Thank YOU Kenneth for your many years of service to this Lodge and Elkdom.
Brother Johnny Gasparian passed away August 1st, 2011. Johnny was a member of Elkdom for 53 years. Thank YOU Johnny for your many years of service to this Lodge and Elkdom.
Brother Jerome "Hutch" Brandau PDDGER passed away September 1st, 2011. Hutch was a member of Elkdom for 50 plus years. This Lodge and Elkdom Thank YOU Hutch for the many years of service and devotion to Elkdom.
Brother James T. Kearny passed away September 2nd, 2011. James was a member of Elkdom for 75 years. This Lodge and Elkdom Thank YOU James for the Many Years of Service and devotion to Elkdom.
Brother Bruce Eugene Black passed away October 17th, 2011. Bruce was a long time member of Elkdom. This Lodge and Elkdom Thank YOU Bruce for the Many Years of Service and devotion to Elkdom.
Brother Alfred Santana passed away December 5th, 2011. He was a member for 46 years. Thank YOU Alfred for your many years of service to this Lodge and Elkdom.
Brother Harold Felgar passed away December 12th, 2011. This Lodge and Elkdom Thank YOU Harold for the years of Service and devotion to Elkdom.
Brother Albert Leroy "Roy" Cain passed away February 1st, 2010. Thank YOU for your service to this Lodge and Elkdom.
Brother Joseph "Joe" Peck passed away February 6th, 2010. Thank YOU for your service to this Lodge and Elkdom.
Brother Larry Coles passed away April 11th, 2010. Thank YOU Larry for your service to this Lodge and Elkdom. We will miss you.
Brother Raymond Risher passed away May 17, 2010. Thank YOU Raymond for your service to this Lodge and Elkdom. We will miss you.
Brother Albert Hendricks passed away June 26, 2010. Thank YOU Albert for your service to this Lodge and Elkdom. We will miss you.
Brother Bob Abel - Lodge Treasurer - passed away September 15th, 2010. Thank YOU Bob for Everything you did for this Lodge and Elkdom. You are Loved. We will miss you.
Brother John Hamilton passed away December 11th, 2010. Thank YOU John for Everything you did for this Lodge and Elkdom. We will miss you.
Brother Mark Thmpsom P.E.R., passed away on December 22nd, 2010. Thank YOU Mark for Everything you did for this Lodge and Elkdom. You will be missed and are loved by many. Thank YOU for being a model for the rest of us.
Brother Robert E. Colin, passed away. Thank YOU Robert for Everything thing you did for this Lodge and Elkdom.
Brother Elmer "Red" Fields passed away January 21st, 2009. Thank YOU Red for your wonderful spirit and great sense of humor. We'll miss you. Thank YOU for your service to this Lodge and Elkdom.
Brother Dennis B. May passed away May 4th, 2009. Thank YOU for your service to this Lodge and Elkdom.
Brother Charlie Liberto passed away August 11th, 2009. From all of us "Thank YOU Charlie".... Thank YOU for your service to this Lodge and Elkdom.
Brother Joseph Gagliano passed away September 25th, 2009. From all of us "Thank YOU Joe".... Thank YOU for your service to this Lodge and Elkdom.
Brother Paul Riccobon, PER, PVP, PDDGER - passed away November 11, 2009. Thank YOU for your service to this Lodge and Elkdom.
Brother Anthony Macintosh, Charter Member #420, passed away November 12th, 2009. Thank YOU for your service to this Lodge and Elkdom. Brother William Grant, passed away November 14, 2009. Thank YOU for your service to this Lodge and Elkdom.
Brother James Gosden passed away March 2, 2008. Thank YOU for your service to this Lodge and Elkdom.
Brother Harold "Whitey" Williams passed away March 10, 2008. Thank YOU for your service to this Lodge and Elkdom.
Brother Joe Piccolini passed away March 18, 2008. Thank YOU for your service to this Lodge and Elkdom.
Brother Louis Chaffin passed away March 26, 2008. Thank YOU for your service to this Lodge and Elkdom.
Brother Anthony R. Dusich passed away March 31, 2008. Thank YOU for your service to this Lodge and Elkdom.
Brother Clarence "Bucky" Cunningham passed away in March. Thank YOU for your service to this Lodge and Elkdom.
Brother Alfred (Del) D'Alessandro passed away June 20th, 2008. Thank YOU for your service to this Lodge and Elkdom.
Brother Adam (Larry) Milano passed away July 13th, 2008. Thank YOU for your service to this Lodge and Elkdom.
Brother William Abrams passed away July 15th, 2008. Thank YOU for your service to this Lodge and Elkdom.
Brother Jack Hill passed away July 27th, 2008. Thank YOU for your service to this Lodge and Elkdom.
Sister Irene Stephen passed away July, 2008. Thank YOU for your service to this Lodge and Elkdom. B
rother Richard Lyon passed away August 1st, 2008. Thank YOU for your service to this Lodge and Elkdom.
Brother Jerry Guinn passed away September 22nd, 2008. Thank YOU for your service to this Lodge and Elkdom.
Brother Kenneth Metz passed away October 30th, 2008. Thank YOU for your service to this Lodge and Elkdom.
Brother Jack Waselus passed away December 17th, 2008. Thank YOU for your service to this Lodge and Elkdom.
Brother Jeff Dellens passed away March 3rd, 2007. Thank YOU for your service to this Lodge and Elkdom.
Brother Allen B. Steuben passed away March 18th, 2007. Thank YOU for your service to this Lodge and Elkdom.
Brother Thomas Sinclair passed away April 2nd, 2007. Thank YOU for your service to this Lodge and Elkdom.
Brother Jack Johnson passed away April 26th, 2007. Thank YOU for your service to this Lodge and Elkdom.
Brother Salvatori Davi passed away April 30th, 2007. Thank YOU for your service to this Lodge and Elkdom.
Our First Exalted Ruler and Past District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler Larry Stevens passed away in July 2007. Thank YOU for your service to this Lodge and Elkdom.
Brother Robert A. Ray passed away July 22nd, 2007. Thank YOU for your service to this Lodge and Elkdom.
Brother Lloyd McRoberts passed away September3rd, 2007. Thank YOU for your service to this Lodge and Elkdom.
Brother Ernie Wisdom passed away September 30th, 2007. Thank YOU for your service to this Lodge and Elkdom.
Brother Emerson Bud Wieland passed away December 3rd, 2007. Thank YOU for your service to this Lodge and Elkdom.
Brother Jack Taylor passed away December 27, 2007. Thank YOU for your service to this Lodge and Elkdom.
Brother James Dimsey passed away December 28, 2007. Thank YOU for your service to this Lodge and Elkdom.
"The faults of our Members we write upon the sand, Their virtues upon the tablets of love and memory."