Section 1. At the next regular meeting after his installation, the Exalted Ruler shall appointthe following Committees:
(a) An Auditing & Accounting Committee consisting of no fewer than three members, none of whom can be the Lodge Secretary or Treasurer, a Trustee or a member of the Supervising or Managing Body of the Club, Social Parlor or other Lodge facility. The Auditing & AccountingCommittee shall: 1. Be charged with making all arrangements for completion and submission of the Lodge’s Annual Financial Report to Grand Lodge and all required governmental agencies by June 15th for all entities of the Lodge whose fiscal year ends March 31st, in accordance with Sec. 13.040 of the Laws of the Order and the provisions of the Grand Lodge Auditing, Accounting & Management Manual. 2. Secure a financial report of any other entity affiliated with the Lodge, having a fiscal year ending other than March 31st, within sixty days after the close of that fiscal year. 3. Require the use by the Lodge of the Uniform Chart of Accounts provided for in Sec.4.330 of the Laws of the Order. 4. Review the year-to-date financial affairs and compliance with the approved budget of the Lodge in the months of July, October and January, and report at the last regular meeting of those months. 5. Act on other financial matters as the Lodge may direct.
(b) A Membership Committee consisting of not less than three members. The Membership Committee shall: (1). Use such means and emmploy such methods as may be best adapted to secure applications for membership in the Order,and to increase the membership of the Lodge. (2). Carefully examine the character of all applicants for membership, verify their statements made in the appplications and report thereon at the next regular meeting of the Lodge or as soon thereafter as practicable. The Committee shall require that applicants personally appear before the committee and may require the proposer or proposers of an applicant to appear before the committee. (3). Prepare, supervise and conduct a planned program for the Indoctrination of candidates and their families, prior to initiation, in order that all candidates and their families may become fully informed as to the good works of the Order of Elks. (4). Investigate and report on all delinquencies in the payment of dues in the Subordinate Lodge, and shall use such means and employ such methods as may best be adapted to prevent the dropping from the rolls of any member for non-payment of dues, and to restore to membership such former members as may have been suspended or dropped by reason of delinquency. Said committee shall report on its work at the first regular meeting in each month.
(c) A Community Activities Committee consisting of not less than three members. The Community Activities Committee shall: (1). Have general charge and supervision of all matters pertaining to the Elks Activities of civic, social and community interest, excepting those allotted to other committees. (2). Plan Community projects emphasizing the charitable works of the Order.
(d) A Lodge Activities Committee consisting of not less thatn three members. The Lodge Activities Committee shall: (1). Be charged with implementing the Lodge Activities Program of the Lodge, it's State Association and the Grand Lodge. (2). Be charged with implementing the patriotic activies planned by Grand Lodge and cooperating with other local organizations in fostering patriotic community endeavors. (3). Be charged with making all arrangements for "Flag Day Services" and the execution thereof, as required by the provisions of the Ritual and Sec 2.030 of the Statutes of the Order. (4). Be charged with implementing the Government Relations Progam of the Lodge, it's State Assocition and the Grand Lodge. (5). Be charged with making all arrangements for the observance of "Elks Memorial Day" and the execution thereof, as required byt the provisions of the Ritual and Sec 2.020 of the Statutes of the Order. (6). Implement the program of the Elks National Veterans Service Committee within the Lodge as may be requested by the Commission in the furtherance of services to veterans, assist when called upon by the Armed Forces of the United States, respond to any call for aid and cooperation as might be requested by our National Government in any emergency and to be available for cooperation in the event of disaster in any local area of the United States. (7). Be charged with implementing the Public Relations program of the Lodge, its State Association and the Grand Lodge. (8). After their appointment, visit such Members in this Lodge or of other Lodges, temporarily resident in this city, as shall have been reported to them as ill, and report their doings, in person or in writing, at the first regular meeting after such visits shall have been made.
(e). A Youth Activities Committee consisting of not less than three members. The Youth Activities Committee shall: (1). Prepare, supervise and conduct all Elks programs on behalf of the youth of the community, and shall have charge, supervision and responsibility for all youth progarms of the Lodge, and all such matters as shall be referred to the Lodge by it's State Association or the Grand Lodge Youth Activities Committee. (2). Be charged with implementing the Drug Awareness Program of the Lodge, the State Association and the Grand Lodge. (3). Be charged with implementing the Hoop Shoot Program of the Lodge, the State Association and the Grand Lodge.
(f). An Elks national Foundation Committee consisting of not less than three members. The Elks National Foundation Committee shall: (1). As its primary duty, publicize the Elks National Foundation, to promote its program, activities and charities, to encourage and solicit contributions, and to appropriately recognize all gifts made to the Foundation. (2). Such Committee shall have no jurisdiction or the scholarship contests or othe activities sponsored by the Foundation Trustees.
(g). A Budget Committee. The Budget Committee shall: (1). Present not later that the final regular meeting of the Lodge in April, to the Lodge a segregated Budget, making appropriations for each of the several objects for with the Lodge must or may provide, out of moneys known to be in possession of the Lodge or estimated to come into it during the ensuing Lodge year, the Lodge year of the Lodge commencing as required by Statute, On April first. (2). Said Budget either in its orginal or modified form, must be adopted by the Lodge at said meeting or the next following regular meeting. After such Budget has been adopted, all expenditures by the Lodge during the said Lodge year must be kept within the limits of the appropriations therein made. (3). When a proposal is made for any expenditure in excess of such adopted Budget, such proposal shall be promptly referred to the Budget Committee for consideration and written recommendation to be filed not later than the next regular Lodge meeting. Such proposal may then be adopted by not less than two-thirds vote of the Lodge members present at a regular meeting Such Budget may include an item for contingent purposes to cover unforseen emergencies of the Lodge, and funds therefrom may be appropriated by a two-thirds vote of the members present, at a regular meeting. (4). Any unexpected balances of appropriations contained in said Budget shall be available only for the appropriations in the next following Lodge year in accordance the the Budget of that year.
Section 2. Special Committees may be appointed upon any item of business, any may consist of as many members as the Lodge in it's discretion may think proper. The Treasurer of the Lodge shall be Treasurer ex-officio of every such special committee and he shall receive all funds coming to said committee and make disburements therefrom as authorized by the lodge.
Section 3. In case of the neglect of the Chariman to call a meeting in proper time, any member or members of a committee shall have power to call together as many members of the same as are accessible, and to consider the matter submitted by the Lodge; and they shall be empowered to report their conclusions to the Lodge, either jointly or individually.
Section 4. All members of committees or commissions, after notice of their appointment, shall give patient and diligent attention to the business entrusted to them, and report to the Lodge at the next stated meeting subsequent to their appointment, unless otherwise ordered by the Lodge. All reports (except reports of progress) shall be made in writing, and signed by a majority. If a minority report be made, it shall be presented at the same meeting with the majority report.
Section 5. Every committee or commission shal have authority and power to call for such books, documents, papers and other articles as it may deem necessary to a correct understanding of the subject under consideration, or the business it shall have been charged with, and every member of the Lodge notified to appear before a committee or commission, or to produce books, papers, or other articles in his posssesion or under his control, shall, unless excused by the committee or commission, attend at the time and the place specified, and continue his attendance until dismissed, and every witness who is and Elk called to testify in the matter shall give all information in his possession or be subjet to trial for violation of his obligation.
Section 6. The Lodge shall have a Past Exalted Rulers Association or Advisory Committee which shall consist of all of the Past Exalted Rulers, as defined in Section 1.140 of the Statutes of the Order, which shall advise with and extend its counsel to all Lodge Officers and Committees, and shall have the following duties, subject to the limitations imposed by the Constitution and Statutes of the Order:
1. To elect its own Officers. 2. To adopt rules for the conduct of its business. 3. To hold meetings and to specify the dates of such meetings. 4. To make recommendations for Lodge Committee appointments and candidates for office. 5. To assist the Exalted Ruler. 6. To engage in and make recommendations in other activities which will promote the good of the Lodge and of the Order.
Section 1. The operation, management and control of the Home, Club or other facility owned and/or occupied by this Lodge shall be supervised and conducted by a House Committee consisting of five members, to be appointed by the Exalted Ruler.
Section 2. The supervising or managing body of the Home, Club or other facility provided for herein,shall be subject to the control and direction of the Lodge, except those actions and decisions pertaining to an employment relationship and the fixing of prices for goods and services. It shall have power to suspend a member from Home, Club or other facility privileges for a period not exceeding one (1) year, for violation of rules adopted by the Lodge for such Home, Club or other facility, or conduct unbecoming an Elk on the Club premises, after ten (10) days written notice to such Member served personally or by regular first-class mail and after a hearing before such supervising or managing body.
An appeal to the Lodge may be taken by a Member suspended as hereinbefore provided by serving a Notice of Appeal, by personal service or by certified mail return receipt requested, upon the Secretary of the Lodge, no later than 10 days after receipt of written notice of suspension. The execution of suspension shall be automatically stayed upon service of the Notice of Appeal, as stated, pending disposition of the Appeal by the Lodge. The Secretary shall report the filing of Appeal forthwith to the Exalted Ruler and to the Lodge at its next regular meeting and the Exalted Ruler shall thereupon order Hearing of the Appeal at a regular meeting of the Lodge to be determined by him to be held no later than 45 days thereafter. Notice in writing of Hearing of the Appeal shall be given by the Secretary to the membership 10 days prior to the date specified therefore. Hearing of the Appeal by the Lodge shall be conducted by the Exalted Ruler and the Decision thereon determined by an affirmative secret ballot of two-thirds vote of the Members present. The Lodge may modify or reverse the action appealed from and its Decision shall be executed forthwith.
A Member owing any indebtedness to the Lodge, Home, Club or other facility mentioned herein may be dropped from the rolls of the Lodge in the manner specified in Sec. 14.170, Statutes of the Order.
Section 3. The supervising or managing body of the Home, Club or other facility mentioned herein shall present to the Lodge for approval, on or before the final regular Lodge meeting in April of each year, a separate and comprehensive budget, and shall likewise submit to the Lodge a monthly written report showing its financial condition and the condition of its budget, as provided in Sec. 16.040, Statutes of the Order.
The supervising or managing body of the Club shall hold at least one regular meeting each month and needed special meetings called by the Chairman. It shall keep minutes of each meeting of the supervising or managing body of the Club. The Exalted Ruler shall be given the same notice of all meetings of the supervising or managing body of the Club, and in the same manner, as is given to the other members of the supervising or managing body of the Club.
Section 1. The fee for initiation in this Lodge for an applicant shall be $25.00 to accompany the proposition. The initation fee for any applicant who is serving in a branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America on active duty during a period of war in which the United States in engaged, or during a period where service is made compulsory by Act of Congress of the United States, or during a period of national emergency proclaimed by the President of the United States is hereby waived.
Section 2.
On or before April 1st of each year, all Members, including Life Members, shall pay the Grand Lodge per capita fee, Grand Lodge per capita insurance assessment, and State Association dues, in addition to the appropriate regular or Life Member dues as specified in the remainder of this Section.
(b) REGULAR LODGE DUES All Lodge dues hereafter specified shall be payable semi-annually, in advance, on the first days of April and October in each year, unless the Member chooses to pay the full year's Lodge dues on or before April 1st;
The regular Lodge dues shall be $75.00 per year.
(c) LIFE MEMBERSHIP In addition to the amounts set forth under (a) above, each Life Member and/or Honorary Life Member shall pay $27.50 towards Lodge administration expense.
Section 3. The reinstatement fee for an Elk holding an Absolute Dimit from this Lodge shall be $15.00. The affiliation fee for an Elk holding a Transfer Dimit from another Lodge shall be $15.00. The affiliation fee for an Elk holding an Absolute Dimit from another Lodge shall be $15.00. The fee for affiliation for an unaffiliated Elk holding a Certificate of Release from another Lodge shall be $15.00. The application for an unaffiliated Elk holding an Absolute Dimit from another Lodge or a Certificate of Release from another Lodge, who has been a bona fide resident within the jurisdiction of this Lodge preceding his application for membership herein, and the application of one holding an Absolute Dimit from this Lodge or who applies for membership on a Transfer Dimit, will be received and acted upon by this Lodge in the same manner as original applications for membership. An applicant seeking affiliation by Absolute Dimit or Certificate of Release shall pay to this Lodge the fee above specified and a proportionate share of the current dues of this Lodge prorated in the same manner as the dues of a new Member. An applicant seeking affiliation by Transfer Dimit shall pay to this Lodge the affiliation fee above specified and dues for the period commencing with the period after which he has paid dues to the Lodge which granted the Transfer Dimit.
Section 4. Upon application for reinstatement, a Member whose name has been stricken from the rolls of this Lodge for non-payment of dues or debt may have his name restored tothe rolls of the membership of the Lodge upon a secret ballot at a regular meeting of the Lodge taken upon such application. If the applicant receives a number of white balls at least equal to two-thirds of the votes cast, he shall be declared reinstated; but if he receives a number of white balls less than the amount equal to two-thirds of the votes cast, he shall be declared to be rejected, without prejudice to a future application after a lapse of six months thereafter. Before such reinstatement, the applicant shall pay to the Lodge a reinstatement fee of $15.00, and in addition thereto, a proportionate share of the current dues, prorated in the same manner as the dues of a new Member, together with any indebtedness owing to the Lodge or Club.
During the sixty day period between June 1 and July 31 of each year, the fee for reinstatement in this lodge of a Member stricken from the rolls of this Lodge for non-payment of dues shall be one (1) dollar.
If application is made within thirty (30) days of the date on which he is dropped from the rolls, he may be reinstated as a Member in good standing. If the balloting shall result in rejection of the application, reinstatement shall be refused, without prejudice to a future application after a lapse of six months thereafter.
Section 5. The dues of any Member who is sick or in distress may be remitted by a vote of no less than the majority of those present at a regular meeting of the Lodge. The dues of a Member who is serving in a branch of the Armed Forces of the United States may be remitted during a period of war in which the United States is engaged, or during a period when service is made compulsory by Act of Congress of the United States, or during a period of national emergency proclaimed by the President of the United States.
Section 6. All dues from Members shall be paid to the Secretary in person, or transmitted to him in registered letter or by postal note, money order, check payable to his order, and the Secretary shall then immediately acknowledge receipt of the same.
A Member owing at one year's dues to the Lodge including the Grand Lodge per capita fee, Grand Lodge per capita insurance assesment, State Association dues, State Major Project assesment and State Association dues shall be dropped from the rolls prior to April 1st without the vote of the Lodge thereon, provided that such delinquent member has been given a written notice of the proposed action thereon not less than thirty days prior to April 1st by the Secretary of the Lodge, said notice to be delivered in person or sent by first class mail, postage prepaid, addressed to such member at his last known address; and provided further that the Secretary of the Lodge at a regular meeting thereof at least thirty days prior to giving such written notice. Such notice shall inform the delinquent member that during the period of his delinquency, he is not entitled to the privileges of membership and that in the event of his being dropped for non-payment of dues, he can be reinstated only in the manner provided by the Statutes of the Order.
A member owing any indebtedness to the Lodge or Club may be dropped from the rolls of the Lodge in the manner specified in Sec. 14.170, Statutes of the Order. Section 7. An applicant for a Dimit from this Lodge, whether the same be a Transfer Dimit or an Absolute Dimit, before receiving such Dimit, shall discharge his entire indebtedness to the Lodge, including all of his dues in full for the period within which said application for a Dimit is filed, and provided further, he shall pay in full the Grand Lodge assessment for the current Lodge year. Further, the holder of a Transfer Dimit addressed to a Lodge in the process of organization shall continue to pay dues to this Lodge through the date of institution of the new Lodge and the completion of his affiliation therewith.
Section 8. The Initiation fee and dues of any applicant who is a member of the Armed Forces on active duty and who meets the criteria stated in Section 5 may be remitted by a vote of not less than the majority of those present at a regular meeting of the Lodge.
Section 1. All applications for help shall be referred to the Standing Relief Committee which shall recommend relief according to the circumstances of the case.
Section 2. When a worthy Elk of this Lodge is destitute, unable to procure employment after diligent efforts, and actually without the necessities of life, he may make application in writing to the Lodge, or during the intervals between the meetings of the Lodge, to the Standing Relief Committee and may, if found worthy, be assisted from funds of the Lodge to a sufficient extent to provide him with the necessaries only. Section 3. When a worthy Elk of this Lodge is in the condition described in the second section of this article, and in addition thereto is sick and in need of proper medicines, he may be provide with the same by theStanding Relief Committee and in addition thereto be provided with necessary medical attention.
Section 1. This Lodge shall not have the power to loan its funds to any of its Members, except as authorized by Sec. 13.010 of the Statutes of the Order.
Section 2. Members of this Lodge, whether serving upon committees or in their private capacity, shall not have power to incur any expense in the name of, or for the account of, the Lodge, without first obtaining its consent thereto, except as elsewhere provided.
Section 1. No orders for the payment of bills against the Lodge shall be signed by the Exalted Ruler and Secretary until such bills have been approved by a majority vote at a regular meeting of the Lodge.
Section 2. When bills against the Lodge shall result from the transactions of a committee, either standing or special, each said bill, before being acepted and ordered paid, shall first be endorsed as approved or disapproved as the case may be, by the committee responsible fo the creation of the bill.
Section 1. The Lodge year and fiscal year of this Lodge shall end with the last day of March of each year.
Section 1. The Lodge shall be guided in its deliberations by the Rules of Order approved bythe Lodge and annexed hereto. It shall be the duty of the Exalted Ruler to see that they are strictly enforced.
Section 2. "Robert's Rules of Order" shall be the guide for any parliamentary rules not especially provided for in said Rules of Order.
Section 1. The Lodge hereby recognizes E.L.A.S. as the official Ladies Auxiliary of the Lodge provided its aims and purposes remain consistent with thoseof the Lodge and the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.
Section 1. All amendments and revisions to the By-Laws, Rules of Order or House Rules of this Lodge shall be proposed in writing, read at a regular meeting of the Lodge, and laid over for a vote thereon at a regular Lodge meeting to be held not less than two weeks nor more than eight weeks thereafter. Notice, in writing, setting forth in full any proposed amendmento r revision of the By-Laws, Rules of Order or House Rules, shall be sent by the Secretary to all Members of the Lodge at least ten days before the regular meeting at which said proposed amendment or revision is to be voted upon. A majority vote of all Members present at the regular meeting designated for consideration of such amendment or revision to such By-Laws, Rules of Order or House Rules shall be required for its adoption. But any action, Statute or edict of the Grand Lodge altering these By-Laws, Rules of Order or House Rules shall have the effect of an amendment without any further action of this Lodge, and any Article or Section of these By-Laws requiring temporary suspension for the purpose of acting upon a dispensation granted by the Grand Lodge, or its properly authorized Officer, shall be, without further action of this Lodge, considered temporarily suspended.
All proposed amendments to these By-Laws, Rules of Order or House Rules, in conflict with the Laws of the Order, are void, and shall be declared out of order by the Exalted Ruler.
No By-Laws, Rules of Order or House Rules or amendments thereto shall take effect until submitted to the designated member of the Committee on Judiciary of the Grand Lodge, and approved by him.
The Order of Business must be as follows, with the exception of items “i” through “q” and “d,” which may be transposed with the consent of the Lodge:
a. Opening. b. Calling Roll of Officers. c. Reading Minutes of Previous Session. d. Initiation. e. Sickness and Distress (always in order). f. Community Activities. g. Reports of Committees (by seniority). h. Report of the Fraternal Committee. i. Reading Communications. j. Propositions for Membership. k. Balloting on Candidates. l. Unfinished Business. m. New Business. n. Good of the Order. o. Bills against the Lodge. p. Receipts of the Session. q. Treasurer’s Report. r. Closing.