This page will allow you to make online credit card payments through a Paypal cart. Click on a link to add that item to your cart. Click 'Continue Shopping' on the Paypal site to return to this page and add additional items. When you have selected all the payments you wish to make, select the 'Checkout' button on the Paypal site and you will be asked for your credit card information. (Items marked with an * below are processed as separate transactions and will not be added to the cart.)
$99.50 (Includes transaction fees)
$51.00 (Includes transaction fees)
(After clicking link, enter the amount indicated in notice from lodge secretary.)*
$10.00 (If you wish to donate more, multiple $10 donations can be selected in the cart on the folowing page by changing the number in the quantity box for this item and hitting update.)
(After clicking link, enter the desired amount.)*