"Indiana Elks Charities, Inc." was formed in the late 1940's to administer our State Major Project which is to fight the various dreaded cancer diseases that strike hundreds of Indiana Hoosiers each year. The State of Indiana is indeed fortunate to have two major cancer research facilities which are located at Purdue University and Indiana University. Both institutions have since become the recipients of Indiana Elkdom's generous fundraising efforts.At our State Convention in June, 2010, the Indiana Elks Cancer Research Program at Purdue University was presented a check for $92,250. This brings our total contributions to date for this institution to $3,214,392.At the same Convention the Indiana Elks Cancer Research Program at Indiana University was presented a check for $112,600. This brings our total contributions to date for this institution to $4,449,895.Combined contributions to both institutions now total $7,664,287. Although we wish it could be more, the Indiana Elks are indeed proud of this accomplishment.Please direct any questions, or requests for information, to the State Chairman of the Permanent Activities (Cancer) fund: F. Mayo Sanders - PSP P. O. Box 628 Fremont, In. 46737-0628 (H) 260/495-5055 (C) 260/316-9413 (F) 260/572-2221 email: fmsanders@fmsanders.com