PLEASE, If you see an Event or Committee that you would like to work on, feel free to call or email the Lodge Secretary, any Committee Chairperson, or ER. No Reasonable offer will be refused.
LODGE ACTIVITIES: Encompass almost everything the Lodge does. Without exception, they are important to the success of every Lodge. Wellplanned and implemented activities usually spell the difference between a progressive Lodge and one that is just drifting along without specific aim or purpose.
HOUSE: Responsible for managing the social activities of the Club including scheduling and conducting events and coordinating with the Lodge on Lodge events. The committee sets the program of events, coordinating events of the Lodge PER events, DOES events and special committee events must be considered and coordinated.
COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: This area encompasses community service, which is essential to improvement of the public image of the Lodge. Public programs, dedications, sponsorship of community celebrations, and youth humanitarian programs within the Lodge jurisdiction are all included in this area of activity.
ELKS NATIONAL FOUNDATION: The mission of the ENF is to help Elks build stronger communities. We fulfill this pledge by investing in communities where Elks live and work. We help youth develop lifelong skills, send students to college, meet the needs of today's veterans, support the charitable work of the state Elks associations, and fund projects that improve the quality of life in local Elks communities.
TALL ELKS: Our State Major Project also called “Children’s Therapy” or “Our Kids.” Includes distribution of information and fundraising. YOUTH ACTIVITIES: Promote and organize youth activities: proms, grad nights, dances, Halloween parties, Christmas party, And promote Student of the Month program.
DRUG AWARENESS COORDINATOR: Responsible for the implementation of the state’s Drug Awareness Program in his or her community. He/she must develop the methodology required for the program’s unique requirements of that community. The image portrayed by the committee will affect how the Order of Elks is portrayed.
HOOP SHOOT: Help organize and run annual free-throw contest; attend District contest.
AMERICANISM COORDINATOR: Maintaining flag and historical document displays; promoting flag pins; promoting Americanism Essay Contest.
GOVERNMENT RELATIONS: Reports to the Lodge information passed on by the State Committee person concerning legislative issues affecting the Elks.
RITUAL: Organize rituals (installation, Flag Day, Veterans Day, Memorial Service, Funeral/ Graveside, and Initiation.
MEMBERSHIP: Promote recruitment of new members; retain current members.
INDOCTRINATION/ORIENTATION: Instruct new members about the Elks, their functions, charities, and programs.
INVESTIGATION COORDINATOR: Reviews membership applications; interviews candidates; reports recommendations to the Lodge
LAPSATION COORDINATOR: Promote reinstatement of lapsed members
WASHINGTON STATE ELKS CHILDREN’S THERAPY PROGRAM: (TALL ELKS) Encourages donations and organize fundraisers; encourage attendance
PUBLIC RELATIONS: Promote dissemination of Lodge activities and programs in the Lodge’s Bulletin, local media, and The Elks Magazine.
BULLETIN: Encourage submission of articles; edit content; print, collate, label, and deliver to post office. Current Editor: Stacey Brown, Secretary
AUDITING & ACCOUNTING: audits procedure and policies, makes recommendations to the Lodge Floor, files reports to the DD Team.
PER VOLUNTEER CHAIRPERSON: Assembles and coordinates the list of members who have expressed a desire to assist with specific events.