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Wisconsin Slate Elks Association Meets in Milwaukee
Thousands of members from every section of the State came to Milwaukee recently for the twenty-second annual meeting of the Wisconsin State Elks Association. It was one of the most brilliant and successful conventions ever held by the organization, and Milwaukee Lodge No. 46 outdid itself in welcoming the visitors and in providing a fine program for their entertainment. Chauncey Yockey, Exalted Ruler of No. 46, Hon. John J. Blaine, Governor of that State, and Hon D. W. Hoan, Mayor of the city, welcomed the delegates at the first opening business session of the Association. Impressive ceremonies were held on the lake front in Juneau Park, when a tree, dedicated to the members of the Order who gave their lives in World War, was planted. Following the ceremony the visitors and members of Milwaukee Lodge took part in a special program including addresses, vocal selections by the Elks Chorus and music by the Elks band which played later at the State Fair Park for the benefit of the visitors. The following day was marked by the arrival of Grand Exalted Ruler John G. Price and Grand Secretary Fred C. Robinson who were the honor guests that evening at a large banquet held at the Hotel Pfister. Mr. Price and M. Robinson addressed the diners. Other speakers at the banquet were Judge John C. Karel, member Grand Lodge Committee on Judiciary District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler B w' Arnold, and William F. Schad, retiring President of the Association. A colorful parade, made up of marching clubs, bands and long lines of delegates, featured the closing day of the convention. Governor Blaine took part in the procession, riding in an automobile containing officers of the Association The Governor and his party reviewed the marchers at Mason Street, between Jefferson and Van Buren Streets. Large crowds of spectators cheered the paraders and their bands as they passed down the lines. The following officers were chosen for 1934- 25: President, George L. Dwinnell of Waukesha Lodge No. 400; First Vice-President, Carl Riggins of Oconto Lodge No. 887; Second Vice-President, Robert S. Daly of Beloit Lodge No. 864; Third Vice-President, A. W. Holland of Superior Lodge No. 403; Fourth Vice-Presi dent, J. F. Dittmann of Oconto Lodge No. 887- Secretary, Theodore Benfey of Sheboygan Lodge No. 229; Treasurer, Louis Uecker of Watertown Lodge No.666. The Trustees, all re-elected are Edmund Grassier of Milwaukee Lodge No.' 46; A. J. Horlick of Racine Lodge No. 252; Thomas Welsh of Janesville Lodge No. 254; Knute Anderson of Eau Claire Lodge No. 402; Dr.. J H Wallis of Rice Lake No. i44i- It was decided to hold the 1925 convention at Superior. Mr. William F. Schad, who has served as President of the Association for three terms, was presented with a handsome lamp on his retirement as a testimonial of the high esteem in which he is held by his fellow members.

More News from October, 1924