Trenton, NJ 105


Most Valuable Student Scholarship


AMOUNT: $12,500/yr x 4 yrs

 $10,000/yr x 4 yrs

 $7,500/yr x 4 yrs

 $5,000/yr x 4 yrs

 $1,000/yr x 4 yrs


1. Current high school senior.

2. Must be a United States citizen.

Application is available online at

on September 1 and must be submitted by Dec. 5 to the local lodges

Legacy Awards


AMOUNT: $1,000/yr x 4 yrs.


1. Any child or grandchild, (or step-child, step-grandchild, or legal ward) of a living Elk who has been a 

member in good standing for at least 2 prior Elk years and is a paid up member for the present Elk year.

2. A current high school senior.

3. Applicant must take SAT or ACT by December 31 to complete the application.

Application is available online at on September 1 and must be submitted 

online by Jan 30.

Emergency Educational Grants

The Emergency Educational Grant program provides financial assistance to children of deceased or totally disabled Elks, who wish to obtain or further their college education.

Grant amounts are based on the information submitted in the application and can range up to $4,000. The grant is for one year only; however, the student may submit up to three annual renewal applications for succeeding years as long as he or she meets all other eligibility requirements. The applicant cannot accept more than one ENF scholarship/grant in any one academic year.

New and renewal applications should be filed between July 1 and December 31. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered. The grant is for educational assistance only and not intended to cover the entire cost of a college education. Assistance cannot be extended beyond four years.

Application and More details Here


AMOUNT: $750/yr x 1 yr


1. Any child or grandchild, (or step-child, step-grandchild, or legal ward) of a living Elk who has been a 

member in good standing for at least 1 prior Elk years and is a paid up member for the present Elk year.

2. A current high school senior, or college freshman, college sophomore, or college junior.

3. Must be a United States citizen.

Application is available online on the State Association website on April 1 and must be submitted by July 30 to 

the state region chairman.

State Scholarship info CLICK HERE

NJ Elks Special Needs Children Scholarship Program:

Every year the NJ State Elks Special Needs Children's Committee awards two scholarships of up to $2,500 per year for four years. They are awarded to a graduating male high school senior and a graduating female high school senior from the State of New Jersey. Applications are sent to schools throughout New Jersey in early November and are due in by mid April. Click here for more information

Trenton Elks Scholarships

More information coming soon!

Trenton Elks Special Childrens Scholarships

More information coming soon!

All checks are paid directly to the school; under no circumstance can we make payment directly to the student.