The Louisiana Elks State Association provides valuable services to their community in the way of their dual major initiatives: Scholarships and Veterans Services..
Louisiana awards twelve scholarships – seven each of like amounts for male and female high school graduating seniors. These are one-time awards ranging from $2,500 to $1,100 contingent upon full-time enrollment of the winner in an accredited U.S. college or university. The applications process is the same as the ENF MVS program. Applicants will be judged on scholarship, leadership, and financial need.
Louisiana Elks, with funding from the Grand Lodge, our State Association and our Subordinate Lodges provide services on at least a monthly basis, some weekly, to the Veterans Administration Medical Facilities within our State.
Through our V.A.V.S. Representatives and their Visitation Committee, provide the patients with coffee services, entertainment, cards and bingo games and comfort items or someone to talk to. Through the V.A. Patient Coordinator we purchase items such as TV’s, VCR’s and miscellaneous amenities for the facilities’ Day Room.
For more information contact Major Project Chairman Terry Bruno at
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