Idaho State Elks Association

The Idaho Elks Rehabilitation Hospital

About Idaho Elks Rehabilitation

Idaho Elks Rehab, the state project of the Idaho State Elks Association, provides funding to nonprofit physical rehab providers, universities, and local community groups to help improve the lives of Idaho residents.

Community Rehab Grants

Community Rehabilitation Grants support our mission of helping Idahoans live life to the fullest and are awarded to Idaho 501(c)(3) organizations to help assure the availability of quality physical rehabilitation services in communities throughout the state. Projects could include state-of-the-art equipment used in physical rehab, staff education or training, research, or program development as related to physical rehab.

Grants are awarded in the amount of $50,000, nominally. The decision to increase the amount of funding and establish a partnership with the requesting organization will be at the discretion of the Board of Directors of Idaho Elks Rehab.

Idaho Elks Rehab accepts funding requests year-round on an open-cycle basis. Interested beneficiaries are encouraged to initially submit a Letter of Inquiry for funding consideration.

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Supported by
The Elks National Foundation