Our lodge website with event photos, back issues of newsletters, contact information and more.
Up to date information on everything happening in our little piece of Elks heaven. You can even leave your own remarks on the site by signing up to be a contributor.
Those wild and crazy Elks at SMCG are up to just about everything! Get the latest scoop on the happenings at the SMCG Lodge.
Casual dress recommended for all their events. Scope out all the fun in Tavernier at this link!
The Lodge on the canal has a ton of great events. Check 'em out here!
Check out what's happening in the Conch Republic!
Party Central in the Keys, this Lodge has it goin' on! Scope out all the events in Marathon at this link!
Make a donation to The Elks National Foundation.
Florida State Elks Association website
Website where ELKS communicate electronically!