We currently have two electrical hook-ups, 1-30amp and 1-50amp. Our prices are negotiable, but start at $15.00 per night. Please contact us for more information and we welcome you!
We have a banquet facility available for 300 people. In addition, we have a pavilion and lounge area. Please call us for prices and information. Our banquet facility can be decorated to your preference. In addition, we offer a variety of catering options for your special occasion at very good prices. Again, please contact us!
Christian County Elks 2777 is proud to announce the launch of their NEW website at www.ccelks2777.com
Stay up-to-date with activities and events, new members, lodge meetings, dinner menus, details calendar, Elks Hoop Shoot, RV accommodations, banquet room rentals, fundraising and charitable community events. Links to Grand Lodge, Missouri Elks Assoc, Elks National Foundation, Most Valuable Student Scholarship applications and much, much more!