Golden, CO 2740

Lodge Facilities

Golden Elks Lodge

This is our Lodge which was built in the 1920's and is a historical site, having been a community center, USO Canteen, resturant & night club, and a junk yard when we purchased it. We are currently remodeling it.


Lodge meetings on 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month at 7:30 PM except November & December we meet only the 2nd Wednesday of the month.

House Committee & Board of Directors meet on the 1st & 3rd Mondays of the month at 6:00 PM. All regular members are welcome to attend.

The Golden Elks Lodge #2740 is open to its members and their guests and visiting Elk members. Elk members must show their membership card and sign the guest registry. If you are interested in visiting the Lodge, contact the Secretary at or 303-279-2740.

Facility Rental

Our Lodge is available for rent. Hall capacity is 100 people. Contact Gina Frank at

Renting the lodge and need insurance, click here!

Buying online with check or credit/debit card provides immediate coverage, and the certificate of insurance will be emailed to you instantly following the online purchase.

RV Parking

Elk members are welcome to park in our lot; we ask for a donation. The Golden Elks do not provide hook-ups.