Tahoe/Douglas, NV 2670

Lodge Facilities

Lodge Meeting Place

Tahoe/Douglas lodge meets at 1227 Kimmerling road Gardnerville Nevada. We are 30 minutes south of Carson City, Nev. and 20 miles east of Lake Tahoe.When entering Minden, NV from the North on Hwy 395 veer right onto Hwy NV 88 proceed approximating 3 miles turn left onto Kimberling Road. Proceed approximately 2 miles, lodge is on the right.

Lodge Rentals

For Lodge Rental:

Contact Rental Chair Catherine Moffatt-Orrin@ 775-790-7270 Email: rcorrin4@gmail.com
Meetings, Birthday Parties, Wedding  Receptions, etc. 


Bar is now open on Saturdays from 3:pm- 8:pm

Club room with bar and other amenties



Come on guys, we're in the middle of the desert. There's plenty of boating and marina facilities at Lake Tahoe 20 miles over the hill or at Topaz Lake which is south of Minden.


While Tahoe/Douglas Lodge doesn't have its own Golf Course, we are located within an hour drive of more than 6 championship golf courses.

Carson Valley Swim Center

Public swimming pool with both indoor and outdoor pools. Water slides. Fun for the whole family. Located on Hwy 88, Minden, Nev.