Omaha, NE 0039

Lodge Facilities


Open Tuesday - Saturday, 4:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. Weekend hours can be extended if business warrants.

Dining Room

Full menu is available every day with the exception of the second Tuesday of the month or if there is a special event scheduled that is using the kitchen.  The menu changes frequently and there are many specials created by our Chef that give you an opportunity to try something new. Stop in and see what is cooking!

Second Tuesday of the month is Family night with reasonably priced Burgers and Dogs cooked by volunteer member teams. Serving from 5:30-7:30 PM. 

Golf Course

Although we do NOT own the course, public 18-hole course, Johnny Goodman Golf Course, is located directly behind our Lodge facility. Also, there's are several other public courses nearby.

Function Room

Meeting room is available for lease.

Members of Omaha Lodge #39 may use the upstairs facility free of charge ONLY ON DAYS AND AT TIMES WHEN THE CLUB IS REGULARLY OPENED AND THERE ARE NO OTHER EVENTS SCHEDULED. The room can be rented during off hours for a fee.