Marlton, NJ 2514

Lodge Officers & Committee Chairs

Exalted Ruler
Edward M. Kenny

Loyal Knight
Irv Lavinsky

Darra Hansken

Board of Directors C - Board of Directors Chair
Carla Scott

Trustee - One Year
Terri Lynne Earl

Trustee - Two Year
Carla Scott

Trustee - Three Year
Patrick K. Sheppard

Trustee - Four Year
George Tencza

Trustee - Five Year
Thomas Wilson

Susan Kubacki

Jack Fistori

Michael P. Grimes

Inner Guard
Raymond A. Prusienski

Chairperson - Auditing & Accounting Committee
Michael J. MacFeeters

Chairperson - Activities Committee
Cynthia Higgins

Chairperson - Community Project & Activities Subcommittee
George Tencza

Chairperson - Youth Activities Subcommittee
Michael P. Grimes

Chairperson - Hoop Shoot® Subcommittee
Michael P. Grimes

Chairperson - Drug Awareness Subcommittee
Ronald Ritter

Chairperson - Elks National Foundation Subcommittee
Darra Hansken

Chairperson - Flag Day Subcommittee
Fred Bonderchuk

Chairperson - Membership Subcommittee
Michele O'Keefe-Wilson

Chairperson - Veterans Services Subcommittee
Deborah Albrecht

Chairperson - Accident Prevention Subcommittee
Edward M. Kenny

Chairperson - Public Relations
Deborah Albrecht

Chairperson - Ritualistic Subcommittee
Jack Fistori

Chairperson - Soccer Shoot® Subcommittee
Michael P. Grimes

Chairperson - Government Relations Subcommittee
Michele O'Keefe-Wilson

Chairperson - Army of Hope
Darra Hansken

Chairperson - Army of Hope
Carla Scott

Chairperson - Parade Committee
Charles Allbee

Chairperson - Convention Committee
Carla Scott

Chairperson - Convention Committee
Patrick K. Sheppard

Chairperson - Batter Up Committee
Michael P. Grimes

Chairperson - House Committee
Edward M. Kenny

Chairperson - Investigating
Mary Beth Iannarella

Chairperson - Special Children
Cynthia Higgins

Chairperson - Ladies of the Lodge
Mary Beth Iannarella