Meadville, PA 219

Lodge Officers & Committee Chairs

Exalted Ruler
Vern E. Estes

Dinah C. Estes

Daniel A. Trace

Trustee Chair
Ronald L. Dillaman

Trustee - One Year
Lon P. Hyde

Trustee - Two Year
Mark J. Hope

Trustee - Three Year
Ronald L. Dillaman

Trustee - Five Year
Ronald P. Sousae

Mark P. Benson

Kathleen J. Shartle

Howard N. Roxberry

Presiding Justice
John E. Nagurney

Alternate Rep to GL
Ronald P. Sousae

Chairperson - Americanism Subcommittee
Kathleen J. Shartle

Chairperson - Elks National Foundation Subcommittee
Mark P. Benson

Chairperson - Membership Subcommittee
Dinah C. Estes

Chairperson - Lodge Activities Subcommittee
Kathleen J. Shartle

Chairperson - Accident Prevention Subcommittee
Ronald L. Dillaman

Chairperson - PER Association
Kathleen J. Shartle

Chairperson - Government Relations Subcommittee
Ronald L. Dillaman

Chairperson - State Major Project Subcommittee
Kathleen J. Shartle

Chairperson - House Committee
Vern E. Estes

Chairperson - Board of Trustees
Ronald L. Dillaman

Chairperson - Lapsation
Dinah C. Estes

Chairperson - Presiding Justice
John E. Nagurney