Stop by or Call Chad Boudreau for all your Club needs.
Club Lounge Phone: 802-524-9805
<> Monday Thru Thursday, 2-10PM
<> Friday: Nov 1st to April 30th, Noon - 11PM: May 1st through end of October, 2-11PM
<> Weekends: Saturday, 12 Noon to 11PM, Sunday, 11am to 7PM
<> Closed: Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas Day and on the day of the Annual Field day in August.
O Shuffle Board
O Pool Tables
O Darts
Rates for use of the Hall and Kitchen effective 4/1/2022
O Non profit organizations will appeal to the Lodge Trustees.
O Rules and regulations will be handed out prior to the event.
Members: (Includes: member, parents, children and grandparents only)
O Hall Rental: $150.00 (we set up the hall)
O Bar: $50.00
O Kitchen: $150.00 (whether used by a member or catered)
O Table linens: $5.00 per table
O Hall $350.00 (we set up the hall)
O Kitchen $175.00 (whether used by non-member or catered)
O Bar/Bartender $100.00
O Table linens: $5.00 per table.
Catering: In addition to the previous comments, if a caterer is used, they must pay the lodge $1.00 a plate.