Opelousas, LA 1048

Lodge Facilities

Opelousas Elks Lodge

The Elks Home resides on corner property, measuring approximately 100' x 100' downtown Opelousas. The property is owned by Opelousas Lodge No. 1048. The facility is single-story. It is of modern construction, cinder-block with brick vaneer. It's foundation was constructed to accomodate expansion for multiple stories. It was constructed in 1967. The facility consists a brick-masonry building housing a general assembly area, a gameroom, a poolroom, a bar & lounge, storage rooms, two restrooms and an office for the Secretary. An out-door patio area in the rear of the building houses covered bar-b-que facilities, and provides an open area for a tomato garden. Parking is limited to street-side.

Elks Home

Opelousas Lodge is of modern design and situated in the downtown historical district.

The building includes a bar & lounge with seating tables,a game room with card and domino tables, a kitchen with outside bar-b-q area, a pool room with regulation size pool table and a business office.

At center of the facility is an assembly area for meetings and banquets and includes 3 TV viewing area.

Pool Table

A pool room is available, with one traditional standard size pool table.


Opelousas Lodge does not have a "resturant". However, the Lodge is recognized by Louisiana Elks for fine cuisine, for preparing and serving delicious cajun meals. The Lodge employs Mr. Cliff "Brother" veillion as its Club & Facilities Manager. He supervises and/or prepares all meals served on and off premises. Meals for Members and guests are served on Tuesday evenings. Meals are available at 5:30PM. A menu is published in the monthly bulletin. Call the Lodge at (337) 942-2341 to be included "in the pot" for Tuesday meals.

Elks Home

The Lodge facility is located at 207 N. Union Street, Opelousas, Louisiana, just 3 blocks north from the heart of downtown. To get there, go to the intersection of North-South Interstate Hwy I-49 and East-West State Hwy 190, then go west approximately 1 mile to the heart of town, then turn right and go 3 blocks.


Property is on a corner location 3 blocks from the heart of town. The property is entirely improved with building and enclosed private back yard patio-bar-b-q area. Parking is limited to street-sides.


A Club & Facility manager is on premises serving beverages, pop-corn and occasional cajun delights to gameroom/lounge/club visitors. Clubroom hours are generally in the afternoons and early evening, Tuesdays thru Saturdays. Gameroom, poolroom & TV is accessible to members & guests 24-7.


Opelousas Elk members enjoy friendly card games of cajun Bouree and cajun Casino. Bouree and Casino are card games comparable to generally recognized games of Bridge and Pinnocle. Opelousas Casino players are recognized as the finest among all Louisiana Elks.


The Lodge "front" office is equipped with filing cabinets, adding machine, copy machine, telephone and a key to the P. O. Box. Office files are generated off-site via postal/internet access, computer and facsimile. Office files are maintained in the office; they include membership records, postal/internet correspondence, accounting & bookkeeping journals, G/L manuals and ritual regalia.

Historical Note

Jim Bowie is generally recognized as the icon for Opelousas Elks. Bowie was married in Opelousas. He served the Confederacy during the Civil War as a guide in South Louisiana swamplands. During March 2001, Opelousas Lodge adopted a Lodge Pin recognizing the Jim Bowie legacy. Opelousas Lodge becomes 100 years old on July 17, 2007. The Honorable Grand Exalted Ruler Arthur H. Frost III has accepted an invitation to visit the Lodge on February 21, 2007 to commemorate this centennial event. A reception will be held 4:00 - 6:30PM.

Web Site

The Lodge does not own space on the internet, nor a web-site.