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Elk of the Month - December 2023

As we head into the holidays and close out this year, we

look back on the many gifts 2023 bestowed on us. Our December

Elk of the Month is one of those gifts. Becky Silcox

is an Associate Member who has truly stepped up to bring

so much support to the 1989. Becky can be counted on to

raise her hand and offer her time when needed. This past summer, Becky

was instrumental in helping make our family picnic day happen at Oaks Park,

where she works. She ensured great accommodations and services were

offered to us to allow our families a wonderful, fun day at the amusement

park. Becky can also be counted on to support and contribute to many fundraisers

including the Women and Children's Shelter, as well as lending her

time and energy to Christmas Baskets, Inaugural Ball, Summer Convention

Hospitality Suite, and numerous other Committees and events. Thank you,

Becky, for all you do to support and build up the 1989!

Posted by: Beaverton, OR #1989 (11/29/2023)

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