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CELEBRATING FLAG DAY on JUNE 14th to HAPPY 4th of JULY 2022 -- (PHOTO from 2021 Dunkirk BPOE 1776 FLAG DAY CEREMONY)

PHOTO from 2021 Dunkirk BPOE 1776 FLAG DAY CEREMONY on MONDAY JUNE 14th, 2021!! ... Left to Right:  PER Joe Sommers, Chaplain Chip Phillips, PER Bob Ford, ER PER Vicky May, PER Bruce Kenipe, PER Barb Irelan.

PHOTO ABOVE from 2021 Dunkirk BPOE 1776 FLAG DAY CEREMONY on MONDAY JUNE 14th!! ... Left to Right:  PER Joe Sommers, Chaplain Chip Phillips, PER Bob Ford, ER PER Vicky May, PER Bruce Kenipe, PER Barb Irelan.

*Thank you to member Barry Barger for cutting down the trees.

*Thank you to member JB Faulkner for trimming the hedge in front of the Lodge.

*Thank you to PER Bob Ford and his wife Tammy Davis-Ford for donating and planting new flagpole flowers and for mowing.

*Thank you to members Rick and Patty Newsome of Newsome's Tree Service for installation of a new lanyard for our Lodge flagpole.  Thank you to members JB Faulkner and Craig Faulkner for the hardware and assistance with the job.

Posted by: Dunkirk, IN #1776 (07/05/2022)

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