Welcome to the Douglas Elks Webpage. This is a relatively new concept for a century-old lodge. We hope to show you the venerable lodge building itself and give you insight into the Elks, and the Douglas Elks Lodge #955, in particular.
Though the lodge's history, and the building itself, are very interesting stories, the current charitable work being done by the membership is what the Order of Elks is all about.
It is our hope that this site will provide information for upcoming dinners, events and accomplishments, as well as a road map to becoming a Douglas Elk or finding a cause to support. From the prematurely born baby to the 100-year-old veteran, the Elks strive to take care of those in need, as well as honor those for their deeds. Elks Share Because Elks Care.
In over 100 years, the Douglas Elks have given back to our community over $2.5 Million ($7.5 M adjusted) in donations, scholarships, grants, school and hospital supplies, shopping sprees and food banks. And we are still adding to that total.
The Douglas Elks feature three meals a week. We've awarded $6000 in grants in the past year and have upcoming projects in the schools and in the community. Use the contact information on this site for any questions you may have or check for updates of future events.
Thank you for checking out our website. We hope you found it informative.
Buddy Williams, PER, Exalted Ruler
Meets 2nd & 4th Thursdays, except June, July & Aug, then 2nd Thursday only, at Meeting Directions: 650 10th Street Douglas AZ. Lodge hours are from 5PM to 10PM, Tues., Wed., Fri. Closed Mon., Thurs., Sat. & Sun. Please review our monthly calendar for all of our events.