The little lodge that does big things, right here in Minnesota!
We are currently meeting the on the 1st and 3rd Monday’s of the month,
except during July and August when we meet on the third Monday of the month only,
and the first week in September, when we meet on Tuesday.
Contact us at
Join the Elks at, and have some fun!
Home of the Walleye Fish Fry!
See "More Info" tab to view Fish Fry Flyer
Sign our guestbook to be kept up to date on future events!
Attention youth looking for service project funding:
The lodge contact for donations is Robert Gwinn. Send him an email with a brief description of your project and Mr. Gwinn will forward your request to the lodge for approval. Please provide as much lead time as possible as the Elks Lodge only meets twice a month. For youth under 18 yrs. please include another adult in any communication. Do not send a letter to the lodge directly.