Tucson, AZ 385

Tucson Photo Gallery

Tucson Photo Gallery: Bike in a Box

This evening, July 7, 2022, as our extended thank you to the Tucson AZ Street Rod Association (TSRA) for their generous donation of $2,500.00 to sponsor the Elks Lodge 385 Cloth A Child program. (Photo, Myles Brown - TSRA, Wayne Burns - Past Exalted Ruler Elks Lodge 385, Jesse Lugo - TSRA Member and Trustee Elks Lodge 385). Twice a year the Elks Lodge 385 Cloth A Child program takes 25 elementary children on a clothing shopping spree, then treats them for lunch at the Lodge, afterwards gives each child a back pack stuffed with school supplies and then a new bicycle to take home provided by Bike In A Box with www.LugoCharities.com. We welcome you to join us as a member at the Elks Lodge 385 that is located at 1800 North Oracle Road as a grand organization that gives back to the Tucson community through various programs.

Tucson Elks Lodge 385, ER Wayne Burns and 3rd Year Trustee, Jesse Lugo, Principal, Kira Rendon and her children loading 25 Christmas bicycles that were donated to Ochoa Elementary School in South Tucson, AZ. This year’s 13th Annual Elks Lodge 385 Bike In A Box event bicycle delivery was prolonged due to logistics issues that prohibited our event to occur. Instead, we had churches, schools, nonprofit organizations, and youth support agencies either pickup the bicycles or we scheduled to deliver them as we received our 500 purchased bicycles from our vendor. More information at www.LugoCharities.com

Tucson AZ Elks Lodge #385/Lugo Charities donates 9 kids bicycles and helmets to local non-profit Southern AZ Family Involvement Center(SAFIC). L-R: ER W. Burns, SAFIC representative Ed Casillas, J. Lugo from Lugo Charities, PER B. Holyoak. December 23, 2021

Distributed 25 bicycles, 25 backpacks with school supplies and $75 gift cards to 25 students at Walter Douglas elementary school on December 13, 2021. In photo: Leading Knight-Susan Trecartin, PER-Bob Holyoak and ER-Wayne Burns.

November 23, 2021, Tucson Elks Lodge donation of $2,750.00 to Lugo Charities for the annual "Bike in a Box" children's bike donations. L-R: Lecturing Knight M. Lessley, J. Lugo and House Committee Chairman Bob Holyoak.

Tucson Elks Lodge #385 members/Santa helpers during the 2020 Lodge #385/Lugo Charities Bike in the Box.

Tucson Elks Lodge #385 in conjunction with Lugo Charities Bike in the Box 2020 ready to make 500 local underprivilege kids Christmas season a bit more exciting.

Bikes' arriving for 2020 Elks Lodge #385/Lugo Charites Bike in the Box, 500 local underprivileged kids will be excited this Christmas season. Member J. Lugo/Lugo Charities over seeing unloading of bikes.

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