Kern River Valley, CA 2358

Kern River Valley Photo Gallery

Kern River Valley Photo Gallery: All photos

We have plenty of parking.

Kern River Valley Elks Lodge #2358

The RV Park is right across the street from the Elks Lodge.

Easy to find, the Elks RV Park is right on Wofford Heights Blvd.

Spaces 1,2,& 3 are just waiting for you!

The Gazebo in the RV Park

Ladies of the Elks and Elks host a Kids Christmas Party. Shown here are all the volunteers with Santa.

Ladies of the Elks and Elks host a Kids Christmas Party. Shown here are all the volunteers with Santa.

Patricia Colbert, President, Ladies of the Elks

Patricia Colbert, President, Ladies of the Elks

Fern Sammon, 1st Vice President, Ladies of the Elks

Fern Sammon, 1st Vice President, Ladies of the Elks

Cheri Keller, 2nd Vice President, Ladies of the Elks

Cheri Keller, 2nd Vice President, Ladies of the Elks


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