Our Lodge recognized these brave men and women of Law Enforcement on November 9th 2017.
North Phoenix Police Cadets at Law & Order Night November 9th 2017
Our new members from the September 21st 2017 initiation.
Phoenix Fire Station 27 enjoying some time around the grill as your Lodge treated them to a steak dinner to show our appreciation.
One of our Phoenix Fire Stations 37 enjoying a steak with our Loyal Knight Thom Strupp
Lecturing Knight Randy Sterling a retired firefighter set up a memorial on 9/11 to remember all those who lost their life's on 9/11/ 2001. Not pictured was the flag that Randy displayed made with the names of all who died that day 16 years ago.
Kids enjoying the pool before the movie starts
Enjoying the back to school dive in movie. Kids receive backpacks with school supplies.
Supporting the North Phoenix Police Cadets.
Some young Americans paying tribute to some WWII veterans at our Honor Flight Reunion luncheon.
We had a state winner in the Americanism essay contest.
Our Top Scholarship winner this year. Kendra Wardon
It is Fun to receive a scholarship.
Fun in the kitchen getting food ready for picnics.
Some of our members, kids and grandkids racing ducks for charity.
Flag Day At the Lodge
Our Lodge receiving the Award for increase in Membership
Presenting the Gratitude Grant check for $2,500 to the new school to help stock their Library. From Left Diane Bodwell Leading Knight, Paul Weinhold Headmaster of North Phoenix Prep, Larry Bodwell Exalted Ruler, Joy Hanks Headmaster of Archway Academy, Brenda Kayal Treasure, Carolyn Zimny Secretary.
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