Oswego, NY 271

Oswego, NY Lodge News

Washington's Birthday Celebration 2010

The Oswego Elks Lodge # 271 held their annual Public Safety Awards on February 20th, 2010. Each year the Oswego Elks honor one outstanding officer of the Oswego Police Department, the Oswego Fire Department, Oswego Sheriff’s Department and two Volunteer Fire Departments also the State University of Oswego Police. Each officer is honored by the head of their department. This year State President David Carr and his wife Penny attended the dinner. President Carr presented each honoree with a statue of their office. And he presented to
the Oswego Elks Teen of the Month, Elizabeth Morley and Sarah Hill a award for their accomplishments. There were 280 in attendance at the dinner.

Pictured is Exalted Ruler James Burnell, Ron Phelps, New Haven Fire department, Scott Pritchard, Oswego Town Volunteer Fire Department, Lt. Charles L. Searor, Jr Oswego Police Department, Kirk Coates, State University Police, Damen Morrell, Oswego firefighter and Deputy Matthew C. Bray Oswego County Sheriff’s Department, New York State President David C. Carr and Past Exalted Ruler Michael Coad.