Local Lodge of the Order now assured-Charter Coming
Eveleth members of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks are now assured that a local lodge will be created here and the charter is expected to arrive any day this week. At a meeting of the members held Monday night at the Glode Hotel, plans were laid for instituting the lodge on Saturday, May 22. There is to be a demonstration of considerable proportions. It is planned to decorate the city with colors and lights. Several committees were appointed to look after the details of the arrangements and it may be taken for granted that nothing will be left undone. Monitor Hall has been secured for the ceremonies and a banquet will be held at the Glode in the evening. There will be a number of visiting members of prominence from Duluth and from other towns. Who the higher officials are that will attend has not been given out. Local Elks who have been working for a lodge here are quite pleased with the outlook.
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