Lodge of Elks at Eveleth Soon
A local lodge of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks is now in the near future and unless matters in this connection are delayed, the efforts of the local Elks in securing a lodge for Eveleth will become a realization.
During the past year, correspondence has been carried on with the high officers, and on the first of the week W. H-Sutherland, who has been instrumental in starting the ball rolling, forwarded to the district deputy in Minneapolis, a petition signed by local members, requesting a charter for organization of a lodge in Eveleth be granted. As much of the preliminary investigation has already been disposed of, returns from the petition are expected within the next 30 days.
Eveleth has a large number of resident Elks who have stimulated the efforts in the cause and make it more probable that a charter will be issued.
In the past, the Virginia lodge has secured support from here in the way of membership, and those locally interested are of tbe opinion that should a charter be secured sufficient membership from the town's tributary to Eveleth would be obtained to place it in excellent shape from the start.
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