The Installation of Officer for the Fraternal Year 2022-2023 was held at the Lodge on Saturday, March 26, 2022 at 6PM. Past District Deputy James Hassett provided Opening and Closing remarks and conducted the Officers Obligation. Past District Deputy Tim Welpe had the honor of Installing Exalted Ruler Sheila Guerin. Past State Vice President Mary Charleston, Past State Vice President Ernie Charleston and Past Exalted Ruler Sheila Guerin served as Installing Officers. The Lodge 2022-2023 Officers are:
Exalted Ruler - Sheila Guerin
Esteemed Leading Knight - Jim Bunstone
Esteemed Loyal Knight - Wendy Morril
Esteemed Lecturing Knight - Bryan Matson
Chaplain - Emily Bristol
Esquire - Jordan LaValley
Inner Guard - Ruth Dowdy
Tiler - David Cotey
Derek Stevenson - Trustee
Rick Robar - Trustee
Dennis Guerin - Trustee
Dan Manor - Trustee
Juddy Plumb - Trustee
Following the Installation of Officers, those attending the ceremony were treated to a subperb dinner that was prepared by Event Coordinator Larci Collins. The annual Lodge Awards were presented following the dinner. Award recepient's were;
Elk of the Year - House Committee Member Scott A. Lafay
Officer of the Year - Esquire Jordan LaValley
Outstanding Service Commendation - Event Coordinator Larci Collins and House Committee Member Cindy Maroney
Kay Hassett, wife of Lodge Secretary James Hassett, was recognized for her years of service as a Greeter at the Lodges annual Memorial Day Special Ceremony and Heather Condon was recognized for her 15 years of service as the Queen of Hearts Chair.
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