Eleven O'Clock Toast You have heard the tolling of 11 strokes. This is to remind you that with Elks, the hour of 11 has a tender significance. Wherever Elks may roam, whatever their lot in life may be, when this hour tolls upon the dial of night, the great heart of Elkdom swells and throbs. It is the golden hour of recollection, the homecoming of those who wander, the mystic roll call of those who will come no more. Living or dead, an Elk is never forgotten, never forsaken. Morning and noon may pass him by, the light of day sink heedlessly in the West, but ere the shadows of midnight shall fall, the chimes of memory will be pealing forth the friendly message, "To our absent members.
Thomas Mason 2022, John W Ragan 2022, John DellaVecchia 2021, Thomas Hutichison 2021, Richard Liebman (2021) Samuel Stringfellow 2020, Patricia Beamer 2020, Hugh Sprague 2020, Scott Tulko 2020, Sam Beamer 2019, Conall Galagher 2019, Richard Bullock 2019, David Baldwin 2019, Edward Saler 2019, Ted Elias 2018, Franh Gibbons 2018, Lee Crossman-2018, James Flanagan 2018, Gene Corcoran-2018 Fred Dodd- 2018 James Donahue-2017 James Ayers III-2017 James Gabrysz-2017 Nancy Day-2016 Russel Wilt-2016
Terrance Ewing-2015 Richard Scott-2015 Francis Perfect-2015 Richard Lewis-2015 John Brasberger-2014
Robert Fraizer-2014 Paula Jean Bullock-2014 Boris Woytowicz -2013 Harry Lord -2013 Peggy Jean Scott -2013
Joseph Newsome -2011 Franz Bohle -2011 Joseph Curry -2011 James Sallman PDD -2010 Daniel Bryan -2010 Vincent Debernardo-2010 Donald Souder -2009 Sam Causby -2009 David Palermo-2008 James Currens -2008
James Boyes -2008 Cody Letsinger -2008 Lois Ewing -2008 Harry Bingenheimer Sr- 2005 Victor Early - 2005
Joseph Havrilchak - 2005 Joseph G Bille' - 2004 Stanley Malinski - 2004 Robert Miklosovic - 2004
Francis Parker - 2004 Bill Arnold - 2003 Robert Dennis - 2002 Bruce Glatthorn - 2002 Leo James - 2002
Calvin Canfield - 2001 Walter Mikkelse - 2001 Ed Gardella - 2000 George Freischmidt - 2000
William Dalrymple - 1999 Francis DuBois - 1999 Thomas Moeller - 1999 Gene Munson - 1999
William Rambo - 1999 Vincent Rennich - 1999 Vincent Wagner Sr. - 1999 William Freihoffer - 1998
Walter Gregory Sr. - 1998 Harry Harvey - 1997 Nick Bledsoe - 1996 Joseph Reif - 1996 Walter Carpenter - 1995
Anthony Spingola - 1995 George Woolford - 1992 Frank Bull - 1988 Elwood Dobbs - 1988 Joseph Muskett - 1988
James Ryan - 1987 John Scheigein Sr.- 1987 Fredrick Waslin - 1987 James Devlin - 1986 John DiAddorio - 1986
Joseph Knoll - 1986 Dutch Osterhaut - 1986 James Wright - 1986 Herbert Ennett - 1985 George Stebbins - 1985
Hans Swensen - 1985 Charles L. Lovallo- 1984 Todd Martin - 1984 George Crider - 1983 Robert Benner - 1982
James Daisey - 1982 Alfred Merusi - 1982 Jay Nelson Jr. - 1981 Francis Kilgariff- 1981 William Rae - 1981
Joseph Conway - 1980 Joseph Johnston - 1980 Charles Oldfield - 1980 William Wright - 1980William Meyers - 1979
Peter Sinko - 1979