We have two Members in our Lodge that are very active in the veterans program. They both work at the VA Admin. in Portland, Ore. They are Peter Perri and Richard Moore. They both are very helpful in the Lodge and will help any veteran if you have a problem. Thank you to both and keep up the good work. Richard and I both work at the Portland VA Medical Center. I am the Enrollment Coordinator/Supervisor of Enrollment for the Business Office and Richard is an Accounts Receivables representative. Portland Veterans Administration Medical Center3710 SW U.S. Veterans Hospital Rd.Portland, OR 97209(503) 220-82621-800-949-1004 Portland Regional Office Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA)1-800-827-1000 State and Local Service Officers (Polk, Marion and other Counties)ODVA (Oregon Department of Veterans Affairs)700 Summer St NESalem, OR 97301-1285(503)373-20001-800-828-8801Benefits Claims 1-800-692-9666Home Loans 1-888-637-8387Fax (503)373-2362Hours of Operation 0800 am - 5:00 pm M-F Director: Jill Willis Portland Office 100 SW Main St Ste 200Portland, OR 97204-2822 Website: www.oregon.gov/odva.vsodirect/locator.shmtl VFW POST 661 (Local Salem Post) Veterans of Foreign Wars Website: www.vfwwebcom.org/or/postdirectory(for locations of specific Posts) VET Center (Salem)2645 Portland Rd Ste 250Salem, OR 97301(503)362-9911Normal hours 8:00am - 4:30pm M-F other hours available upon request David Collier (Team Leader), Sally Schick (Counselor), Lauran Mclagan (Counselor), Jason C. Thilges (Counselor), Ellen Mink (Counselor) Rosa Macias (Office Manager) Private and Confidential Counseling Willamette National Cemetery11800 SW Mt. Scott BoulevardPortland, OR 97086-6937(503)273-5250 Office hours - 0800am-4:30pm closed Federal Holidays except Memorial Day 0800am-7:00pm and Veterans Day 0800am-4:30pmVisiting hours - Open daily from 0700am-5:00pm Website: www.cem.va.gov