Toms River, NJ 1875

Steve Fusco 732-240-9260

If you would like to volunteer or participate please contact Steve.

3.30.10 Sunday from 1pm to 6pm(Rain date 3.31.10)
- Costs: $17.50, 10yrs old and younger $10
- Hot Dogs, Chicken, Hamburgers, Ribs, Sausage & peppers, corn on the cob and clams (While they last)!
- Entertainment: For children of all ages John Magic will entertain between 3p - 4:30p, Toms River Fire Co #2 will have a truck on display from 2p - 4p and DJ Al will play music for your listening pleasure
- Ceremonial: American Legion Post 129 will perform Americanism Ceremony at 2p

If you have any American flags you wish to retire please deposit them into the Red Flag Box just outside of the Members Only entrance.