The Antlers is a lodge within a lodge for kids and young adults ages 12-21. The lodge officers and members act as mentors to them. They hold meetings with officers just as we do, have their own charity account, provide community service all while learning how to be an Elk. They must keep a good grade point average, believe in God, respect the American Flag and their Country and abstain from drugs and alcohol. What a great way to grow up. Just like the days!! Do have a person of this age group that would be interested in joining the Antlers?? Give the lodge a call at 299-9840 and we'll contact you for information. The Antlers members do not have to be lodge members' children. Any person of the proper age group is welcome to apply for membership. The dues for the Antlers is $5 for an application fee and just $6 for the year. The Antlers Lodge is currently seeking new membership. Invitations will be going out via the media soon to introduce the Antlers to the community and generate more interest in this growing lodge. The Antlers are still collecting for the Humane Society. Donations can be brought to the lodge as well as you Acme receipts. Call the lodge for more inforamtion. They have been active with the MS society and donate their time to many charitable events.