Middlesboro, KY 119

Middlesboro Hoop Shoot Contest

Katie Nelson(top picture)won 1'st place in the district contest held in Frankfort Kentucky and competed in the State contest held February 10, 2007

Local First Place Winners Jan 2006

Logan Capps won first place boys 8 - 9 year old boys

Tyler Potter won first place boys 10 - 11 year old boys

Katie Nelson won first place boys 12 - 13 year old girls

Dashia Goss won second place girls 8 - 9 year girls

Jessica Gregory won second place girls 10 - 11 year girls

Adam Hollman(no picture available) won first place boys 12 - 13

To see details of our local contest click on the following link.
Middlesboro 119 Local Hoop Shoot Contest Page