Santa Monica, CA 906

External Resources

  • 906 on Facebook

    Santa Monica Elks Lodge is now on Facebook!

  • US House of Representatives

  • US Senate

  • Library of Congress

  • Declaration Of Independence

  • Gettysburg Address

    The Gettysburg Address Gettysburg, Pennsylvania November 19, 1863

  • U.S. Constitution

    Have you read it lately, if not, here it is for you.

  • White House

  • Elks Across America

    Links to various webpages across America for all Elks!

  • Operation Dear Abby

    Send a special message to our men and women in the military defending American freedom worldwide. In 1967, Sgt. Billy Thompson wrote Abigail Van Buren asking for a Christmas present for our servicemembers -- "Just a letter from home," American citizens have been sending their best wishes to the troops every holiday season. "Operation Dear Abby," has brought joy to hundreds of thousands of U.S. military personnel deployed away from home around the world. Concerns about regular mail delivery have prompted the military to suspend the letter-writing campaign... However, Dear Abby, the U.S. Department of Defense, and the U.S. Department of the Navy's LifeLines Services Network are providing this private and secure online resource that will allow you to send a Sailor, Marine, Soldier, Airman, or Coast Guardsman a holiday greeting or message of support.

  • VFW

    This is a link to Operation Uplink the Official page to the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

  • Breast Cancer Site

    Click every day to give hope to women in need. It's free!

  • World War II Memorial

    The World War II Memorial honors the 16 million who served in the armed forces of the U.S., the more than 400,000 who died, and all who supported the war effort from home. Symbolic of the defining event of the 20th Century, the memorial is a monument to the spirit, sacrifice, and commitment of the American people. The Second World War is the only 20th Century event commemorated on the National Mall's central axis.

  • What is a Veteran?

  • The Land of the Free and Home of the Brave

  • History of the Flag Day

    This site is dedicated to the history of the Flag of our Country.

  • Scholarships

  • The Elks National Foundation Online Giving

    Giving a little today makes a big difference in someones tommorrow.

  • Bristol, Connecticut Lodge 1010

    Third generation Elk R. Todd Hawkins, says: "My dad, Bob Hawkins, is a great influence on me. He was the reason I became an Elk."

  • Claremore, Oklahoma Lodge 1230

    Past District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler, R.A. Pickett, says: "My uncle, Ronnie Rohr, was a great influence on me. He was one of the reasons I became an Elk. Claremore is my family's hometown and Ronnie was a member there."

  • Elks Soccer Shoot Program

  • New York, NY Lodge 1

    Elks Lodge 1

  • US State Department

  • Federal Bureau of Investigation

  • DeskFlag

    DeskFlag (pictured above) places an animated United States flag on your screen. The flag waves in the lower-right corner as you use your computer. DeskFlag was created after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and is dedicated to the memory of the victims. We hope that in some small way, using this program helps people demonstrate their condemnation of this senseless act. DeskFlag should work with any Windows computer running Windows 95 or later. Use the following links to download the program or get more information. Download DeskFlag from the Tiger Technologies Web.


    Help with Hurricane Disaster relief. Donate blood, money or volunteer time to those who may need it.


    Here is a link to keep you updated.


    Here is a link to keep you updated.


    Here is a link to keep you updated.


    Here is a link to keep you updated.


    Here is a link to keep you updated.


    Here is a link to keep you updated.

  • Sons of the Desert (1933)

    Laurel and Hardy features the Santa Monica Elks Lodge. So that he and Stan can sneak away to Chicago and attend the annual "Sons of the Desert" lodge convention, Ollie pretends to be sick, and gets a doctor (who turns out to be a veterinarian) to prescribe a long ocean voyage to Hawaii. Decked out in leis and strumming ukeleles, they return home only to learn that the ship supposedly carrying them has sunk. Their hastily- contrived tale of "ship-hiking" their way back cuts no ice with their wives, who've been at the movies watching a newsreel of the lodge's convention parade, starring... guess who? See actor John Elliott portraying the Exalted Exhausted Ruler. You may purchase this movie at the link provided.

  • Political Graveyard

    From the site as listed above here is a way of finding members of the BPOE that were politicians in your state.