Fredericksburg, VA 875

Fredericksburg Photo Gallery

Fredericksburg Photo Gallery: All photos

Huge Night for the Lodge entertainment. The Fredericksburg Improv Team came to 875 and did a "Whose Line Is It Anyway" style show for a packed crowd. Member Alfredo Evans started off the night for everyone with a home made fried chicken, rice and red beans meal. A great time was had by all. Thank you to all of the members, guests for attending and to the Fredericksburg Improv Team for a great show!

Fredericksburg Elks Lodge #875 came out in force for the 40th Annual National Night Out. Spotsylvania County Sheriff Roger Harris stopped by and chatted with the volunteers and thanked them for coming out to be a part of the event. The lodge distributed the newest information from our DAP, coloring books, and used our impaired vision goggles to show the effects of drinking or drugs by letting participants try to walk a straight line heel to toe or throw cornhole bags at a cornhole board. This was the biggest crowd in the last few years as roughly 1000 parents and children were at the event. Picture (L to R) Previous Virginia First Lady Elizabeth Dameron, PVSP and Trustee Ray Dameron, Harold Marciari, PGER Ron Hicks, Sheriff Roger Harris, PER and Trustee Linnie Lee Baker, Tiler Lisa Baker, Esteemed Loyal Knight Steven Levinsohn

Fredericksburg Elks packed bags Monday July 24, 2023 for Mary's Shelter. 22 bags for children and 22 bags for mothers were packed with supplies, books, and Drug Awareness information. Pictured (L to R) Fran McCauley, Pat Zaccagni, Elizabeth Dameron, Pam McCleod, Leading Knight Chris Jourdan, Nancy and Dave Winkler, Harriet Rowe, Carol Baker, Lisa Baker, Treasurer Charlotte Leitch, Kathleen Kennedy, Frank Brooks, Trustee Linnie Lee Baker, Alfredo Evans, ER Joe Toscano

Our Elks went to Thurman Brisbane Homeless Shelter to have an Ice Cream Social and provide some books and Drug Awareness information to the children and parents. Pictured(L to R) Harold Marciari, Rose Kluxen, Linnie Lee Baker, Lisa Baker, and Elizabeth Dameron

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