4 Rustic Campsites
Lodge Volunteers spent a Saturday cleaning up our Campsites and woods. L to R: Del, Kamm, Papke, Rob, Dave, Al, Bridget, Peter, Chuy, Jerry, Todd, Bryan, and Jeff. Missing from photo is Greg Denzinger.
2856 Donates $1,000 to Charlevoix EMS
Elktoberfest Stein Hoisting Contest 2023
A Great Burger Crew
Elktoberfest 2023
Future Elk
Sprucing up our Elk for Memorial Day
Shawn McDonough and ER Jessica Bell present a check for $2,000. to Camp Quality.
Jessica Bell, Diane Dusendang, Rochelle Roerig
A Friday Night Burger Crew
The Herd Gathering
Martha Papke and Dan Montieth who took back over 1,500. cans
November Polar Plunge
Little lady enjoying the picnic
Woah! Nice form!
More cornhole action
Birthday Girl!
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