Manila, PI 761

Manila, PI Lodge News

21 September 2007 Lodge Newsletter


“ELKS Care - ELKS Share”

21 September 2007

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Our next Regular Lodge Meeting will be held on
Wednesday, 03 October 2007 at 6:30p.m.

Philip French, PER 02
Harold Heagney 02
Charles Lutz 03
Charles Romig 09
Vincent Porrazzo 12
Timothy Strong 21
Matthew Slough 24
Evan Metzger 27
Ben Edwards 28
Robert Sears 31

Congratulations to our newly initiated member, Brother Joseph J. Reynolds, at our 19 Sept Lodge meeting!

CANDIDATE for INDOCTRINATION AND INITIATION - Mr. Gregorio Andre del Amo proposed by PER Richard S. Hart who was elected at our 19 Sept Lodge meeting.

DUES 2007-2008 - Please note that effective 01 October 2007 the names of those members who are still delinquent in the payment of their 2007-2008 dues (i.e. their cards do not state “Dues paid to: 01 April 2008”) will be posted on the bulletin board in our 04 October 2007 newsletter. As such they may be on a cash basis when using the Club facilities. Therefore, please pass by the Secretary’s Office prior to 01 October 2007 to settle their outstanding account.

ELKS NATIONAL FOUNDATION – October has been designated as “ENF Month”. We will be sending our Annual Appeal Drive with our 04 October 2007 Newsletter. Remember the rewards from your contributions/donations are large for the beneficiaries/children afflicted with Cerebral Palsy. Let us again be a leader in the Area Category and make our 17th Best Grand Lodge Area award. The ENF history of our member’s donations indicates that quite a few long time members have contributed either little or nothing to such a worthy cause. We hope they will reconsider and we look forward to our new members to start their annual contributions to this ENF Appeal.

Informatively, from the ENF earnings on the principal we were recently reimbursed approximately 2.89% of the amount contributed by the brethren of this Lodge. Therefore, please do not shirk in exemplifying the virtues of Charity which is one of the Cardinal Principles of our Order that Elks Care – Elks Share!

We regret to note that several members try to solicit funds for their activities but have not contributed/donated to ENF where the donations are rewarding in helping the unfortunate to have a better life.

Fraternally yours,

Original signed
Lodge Secretary
