Happy Spring, we have been busy up at the lodge. We have installed a new kegarator and now have a cider from Jefferson County Ciderworks on tap. Come up and try one.
We were happy to host a great group of kids for dinner on us on Prom night. We will look forward to doing this as an annual event and we will discuss it further at the next PER meeting.
Get your team signed up for the upcoming Horses races. We will have drink specials and awards. Your favorite bookie Jeff Koontz and company will be on hand as well.
Happy Mother's Day and enjoy Memorial Day weekend.
See you at the Elks!
Exalted Ruler
Steve Winslow
Hello Ladies,
Thank you all who attended the April stagette. Hope you enjoyed your meal and creating
your terrariums. Mine is growing.
May stagette is the 11th. The menu has not been decided yet, but we will keep the price between $10-$15 dollars. Scarlett and Co. will be up to help us make candles. You can bring your own vessel or she will have some available.
Look forward to seeing you!
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