1. The over service or consumption of alcohol as defined by local law or ordinance is strictly prohibited; this rule shall be applicable to all Members, Officers, and employees of the Lodge pursuant to Grand Lodge Statute 17.052. The Lodge also prohibits the use of foul and abusive language. It is not permitted for any reason. The Bartender will ask the offending Member to leave. It will be a decision by the House Committee to terminate Club privileges of the offending individual.
2. No gambling is allowed on the premises. This includes cards, hard poker, etc. Again, no second warnings. Services will be terminated. All Bartenders' jobs will be on the line in this instance. Don't jeopardize his or her job!
3. Members and guests are expected to conduct themselves as gentlemen and ladies at all times. Anyone failing to conduct themselves properly will be asked to leave immediately. When the Member leaves the guest(s) must also leave. Failure to do so will result in possible suspension. Remember, you are responsible for the action of your guest(s). There shall be a limit of six (6) guests per Member.
4. It shall be at the discretion of the Bartender present to determine if a patron has had enough. There will be no arguments permitted. Remember the Bartenders have their job at stake. In any of these matters the decision of the Bartenders will be final.
5. No open, sealed cans, bottles, or cups are allowed to be out of the premises containing alcoholic beverages.
6. Members are not allowed inside the premises when facilities are not officially open, except for those engaged in doing work or conducting business for the Lodge.
7. Children of Members and guest(s) should be supervised and not allowed to roam the facilities unattended. All children under 18 must be off the premises by 9:00 p.m.
8. Dress shorts are allowed in the Lodge with sport shirt and collar. At no time are ladies permitted to wear halter tops or tube tops or cut-off shorts. On Friday nights, no shorts or jeans, of any type, are permitted in the Dining Room. Dress code requires dress slacks and shirt with collar for men and dresses or dress pants and appropriate top for ladies.
9. Except for Certified Service Animals, no pets, or Emotional Service Animals are allowed in the Dining Room or Lounge. Only a Certified Service Animal as defined by the ADA as a dog that has been individually trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability and the task performed by the dog must be directly related to the person's disability. The ADA does not consider emotional support animals, therapy, comfort, or companion animals as service animals, therefore; they are not allowed in the Dining Room, Lounge or in the Tiki area.
10. The Lodge is not responsible for any loss or damage of personal property of Members, visitors or guests.
11. The Federal and State Equal Employment Laws prohibit sexual harassment in the workplace, and the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks embraces these laws. The Lodge will not tolerate, condone, or allow sexual harassment whether engaged in by fellow employees, supervisors, directors, Officers, or by others who have contact with the Lodge. Each employee, Elected Officer, including Trustees, those in appointed positions, House Committee members, and Committee Chairmen shall be required to sign a document acknowledging their understanding of the Lodge Policy on this issue and that harassment is a violation of Grand Lodge Statutes. 12. As confirmation of the Oath taken when becoming a Member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, each Employee, Elected Officer, including Trustees, those in appointed positions, House Committee members, and Committee Chairmen shall sign a Confidentiality Agreement re-confirming they will “never reveal any of the confidential matters of this Order.” By signing this document, each understands a breach of Confidentiality is a violation of Grand Lodge Statutes.
This is to certify that the amended and substituted By-Laws of Largo, FL Lodge, No. 2159, submitted online and approved by the designated member of the Grand Lodge Committee on Judiciary, were proposed at a regular meeting of the Lodge, in writing, held on Wednesday, September 7, 2022, read before the Lodge, and laid over until the regular meeting held on Wednesday, September 21, 2022, and at that regular meeting said amended and substituted By-Laws were adopted by a majority vote of all the members present.
Notice, in writing, setting forth the changes in the proposed revision, was sent by the Secretary to all members of the Lodge at least ten days before the regular meeting at which said revision was voted upon.
Gloria Todd, Exalted Ruler Carolyn Brewster, Secretary
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