Largo, FL 2159

Largo, FL Lodge News

Elks News, Events and Updates from Jeanne Reinhart PDDGER, WCD

Recently the WCD PDDGER Advisory Council met.  One of the main topics of discussion was membership and the need for the WCD membership to grow.  We have 3 months left in the Elk Year, and, therefore, 3 months in which to initiate more new members.  

As of April 1, 2022, Largo Lodge had 994 members on the roll.  We have initiated 89, had 16 transfers into the lodge, and had 10 reinstatements.  However, we have also lost 34 through death and transfers out.   With these stats, it looks like we may have a positive gain this year.  However, we still need to push forward.  We are currently the 3rd largest lodge in the WCD.  

The PDDs also discussed the need to initiate "quality" members--those who live by the principles of Elkdom--not just membership numbers.  In addition, our suggestion is that a background check be done on each applicant.  This recommendation came from discussion about individuals who had gone through the process and then problems developed.

The WCD Leadership is holding a training for all lodge officers, House Committee members, and others who are considering becoming leaders in their respective lodges.  Anyone and everyone are welcome however.  The session will begin promptly at 8 a.m.  Refreshments and lunch will be provided for all attendees.  Those who are new to their positions as well as those who have been involved in lodge management for a long time will find the program very informative.  Please contact the Lodge Office no later than January 30 that you will be attending and your position.  Even though this is not a mandatory meeting, you are encouraged to attend.

The February Quarterly is much like the other FL Elks Conventions except that it will be held at the Youth Camp in Umatilla.  Friday, February 10 is primarily board meetings which you can sit in on and hear what is happening in FL Elkdom.  Saturday morning is the Major Projects Meeting where lodge donations can be made.  GER Hidley will be present throughout the weekend.  There is no online pre-registration for this weekend.

D-DAY TRIP JUNE 1 - 8, 2023
Any veteran and/or FL Elk wanting to go on this trip to Normandy must register no later than January 20.  Click on the link below to learn more.  There is still space. 

This past week Tampa 708 held a clothing drive for the residents of the Pine Island Area which had devastating destruction from Hurricane Ian.  There was literally tons of clothing for all ages and in all sizes.  This had to be sorted, valued, bagged, and transported to Pine Island.  Several vans and trucks were used.  This act of "caring and sharing," in and of itself, was newsworthy, but what was even more incredible is that about 24 ENF Scholars from all over the US were here to help.  In addition, 2 or 3 of the ENF Staff from the Chicago Office were also here to assist.  

How is the search for a lodge treasurer going?  As you are well aware, the office of Treasurer is similar to that of the Lodge Secretary in that the Lodge CANNOT function without one.  This should be a top priority.  Thanks to Diane for stepping in to cover for the moment; however, she is currently serving as Leading Knight and cannot hold 2 officer positions at the same time.  Hopefully, we will have someone to vote on at the next lodge meeting.  

That's all I have for now.  Best wishes to you for a safe, healthy, and prosperous New Year!  I am looking forward to concluding this Elk year with the knowledge that we have definitely made an impact on our community and that we strive to accomplish much for our kids, veterans, and others much less fortunate than ourselves.  

As always, I am here to assist in any way that I can.  That includes just talking or bouncing ideas off of someone.


Jeanne Reinhart PDDGER, WCD
FSEA Board of Directors
FSEA Business Practices Committee, Secretary
WCD Army of Hope Chairman
Largo #2159 Lodge Advisor