Hello my fellow Elks brothers and sisters,
It appears that winter is very near! That means lots of great events coming soon at the lodge that will be fun for all ages. Please keep your eye on the calendars and the Facebook page for announcements.
I would like to take a moment to commend the ELKS members that have stepped up to be our cooks at the lodge. You all have been providing excellent meals bringing the standard back to what everyone enjoys when visiting the lodge. A heartfelt thank you to Rich Metcalf, Justin Bonnet, Kim Winslow, Ryan Kurka, Tammy Jones, and helper Rich Kyle for all that you do. Your food has been amazing! Don’t take my word, come out and try for yourself. We would love to see you all.
We have a new Leading Knight! The membership who attended lodge nominated (9/15) and voted (10/6) PER Steve Winslow as our Leading Knight to fill our vacant chair for the remainder of this lodge year. Steve is a great ELK and I am excited to have him as my Leading Knight. Thank you, Steve, for accepting the nomination and vote.
As many of you know from my previous newsletters, we must upgrade our elevator to meet new codes. This project has two stages. The first stage is nearly completed. This stage involved creating access to the elevator from the roof. Thank you, Justin Bonnet, Steve Winslow, Ryan Holthus, Matt Weaver and Adam Stafford for all of your hard work to get this done!
The second phase will require spending capital to hire Otis Elevator Company to make the upgrades. This stage will cost a little over $55,000 and will require the lodge to borrow money to be able to complete the project. Please consider this as the formal notice to all Fairfield #1192 lodge members. The vote for this project to proceed will take place at the second lodge meeting in November on Thursday November 17th at 7 p.m.
We had an excellent turnout of ELKS for planting trees this year at OB Nelson Park. Doug Bagby did a great job lining everything up making the project quick and efficient. He stated that this was the best turnout of ELKS in all of the years that he has been doing this project. A huge thank you to Doug and all of the ELKS that helped, the city of Fairfield for being an excellent partner and having the holes prepared, and to Oakwood Nursery & Garden Center for making all this possible providing great trees, labor, and expertise (and for being great ELKS).
Fairfield Lodge #1192 hosted a Fairfield Chamber business after hours member mixer on October 13th from 4 – 7 p.m. We had a great turnout of ELKS, community members, and Fairfield Fire Department. We were able to showcase the many projects and things we do for the community while putting the fire prevention trailer and drug awareness trailer on display. We had lots of great food and a keg donated by Ryan Holthus from Shelter Insurance. A huge thank you for all of the ELKS and volunteers that attended. Also, a huge thank you to Rich Metcalf for making delicious prime rib sliders, Justin Bonnet for making awesome wings, Rich Kyle and Dayna Ford for keeping the pizzas coming, Tammy Jones and Kim Winslow for organizing and preparing for the event, and to all who brought desserts and dishes to the event.
As Veterans Day is coming this month, please take a moment to reflect what Veterans have for you and this country we all love, and thank the Veterans in your life. If you know of any Veteran in need, please let us know, and we will do our best to assist in any way that we can. “So long as there are Veterans, the Benevolent and Protective Order of ELKS will never forget them.”
Fraternally yours,
Ryan Ford, Exalted Ruler
The next Stagettes meeting will be November 10th. Please join us for a Thanksgiving dinner and a new game that I think all will enjoy! Dayna Ford
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