Hello my fellow Elks brothers and sisters,
What a great summer we had. The weather was great for the most part allowing us all to be active and enjoy the season. As we move into the fall, we will become very active at the lodge hosting several fun events. Please keep your eye on the calendars and the Facebook page for announcements.
During our first lodge meeting we will be welcoming our District Deputy Michelle Steer. Pleased join us for lodge and show her a big welcome from #1192.
Calling all ELKS to come join us at OB Nelson Park on October 12th at 4 p.m. to plant trees. This is funded by the Beacon grant thanks to the hard work from Doug Bagby and the participation of the lodge members. This grant is based on active involvement of members, so please bring a shovel and assist your fellow brothers and sisters, the boy scouts, and the girl scouts to plant some trees for our community. This usually only takes about 30-45 minutes to complete and is a very easy project to volunteer for.
Fairfield Lodge #1192 is hosting a Fairfield Chamber Business after hours on October 13th from 4 – 7 p.m. Come join us in welcoming our business community that helps support our causes. This gives us a great chance to showcase all that we do as ELKS and an opportunity to gain new members that like what they see.
Welcome to our many new members. We recently initiated Austin Turner – proposed by Spencer Peterman, Brayden Miller - proposed by Rich Kyle, Keith Burns - proposed by Spencer Peterman, Dakota Higdon - proposed by Elizabeth Lambert, and Samuel Schilb - proposed by Matt Bland.
We have voted into membership and will soon be initiating 3 more new members. Eugene “Gino” Giambrone - proposed by Anthony Gibbs, Caylee Laux was proposed by Tammy Jones, Kassie Laux was proposed by Tammy Jones. Great job everyone for getting new members to keep ELKDOM moving along for our lodge and community. I challenge all members to think of someone that would share our purpose for being members and propose them for membership.
Some upcoming events to keep an eye out for are Wing Wednesday on the 19th, Red Ribbon Week on the week of the 24th, Darryl & Darryl’s Thirsty Thursday Game Night on the 27th, and the crab leg feed on the 29th (tickets go on sale soon, see an officer or will be available at the lodge).
State President Judy Graff would like all Iowa Lodges to start collecting purses and toiletries for our female Veterans. Check you closets etc. and drop what you have off at the Lodge or KMCD before November 1st.
Fraternally yours,
Ryan Ford, Exalted Ruler
There will not be a Stagettes meeting in October but I look forward to seeing everyone in November. Dayna Ford
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