What We Do as Elks does Make a Difference!
A Shining Example of How the Bartenders Silent Auction and the Largo Police Community Resource Fund, Helps Our Community!
From Bob BehmVeteran’s Committee Chairman
Many of you may already know, but just in case you don’t, the Bartenders Silent Auction raises
money for the Largo Police Community Resource Fund! This year the silent Auction will take
place on Saturday October 15 th the day before the Oktoberfest for the Army of Hope.
The story I would like to share with you was told to me by Largo Police Officer Sergeant Quattlebam
and he asked me to share it with the Largo Elks Members. He told me that on Tuesday night he
received a distress call, and when he got to the location, he found a 70-year-old man at the site
of the call. After talking to him he found out that he was a Veteran who had been living in his
Ford F-150 for the last 3 months. Apparently, his landlord raised his rent so high he could no
longer afford it on his 1000 dollar a month income, so he is now homeless. Sergeant Quattlebam asked him if had any family here in Florida. He said he had a daughter but she has issues and cannot
even take care of herself. At that point the Sergeant got the Veteran a good hot meal, which was probably his
first in a while, and got him a motel for the night. Wednesday morning, he took the Veteran to
Bay Pines VA facility and they have already got him a room in an assisted living facility in
Sergeant Quattelbam’s reason for telling me the story was the money he used to pay for the motel
and the hot meal came from the funds he got from the Largo Elks Lodge. Thank you all for your continued support and we hope to see you Saturday Night, October 15th, at the Bartenders Blind Auction to help with this worthwhile cause and have some fun doing it!
Bob Behm
Veteran’s Committee Chairman
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