Hello, my fellow Elks brothers and sisters,
It is getting hot out there! It was very hot in Atlanta at the ELKS National Convention as well. GERT. Keith Mills congratulated everyone on stepping up and meeting hisgoals. The Elks had the largest membershipgain in the last 30 years and far exceeded the ENF per capita goal by more thandouble with the average nationwide of over $10 per member. Our very own S.E. District VP Michael G.Carroll was 20th in the nation for top recruiter’s bring in 43 newmembers to our order. Great jobMichael! Also, there were 13,401 hidesdonated for the Elks leather program last year with Missouri taking first placewith 4,598 hides, Iowa in second place with 3,835 hides, and Arkansas in thirdplace with 2,996 hides. Great job Iowaand the Fairfield lodge.
We have a new Grand Exalted Ruler, Bruce A. Hidley from NewYork Lodge #1500. GER Hidley’s goalswill be to grow membership and he will keep the same per capita ENF goal of$4.80 per member.
The convention went well with over 6,000 attendees and therewere 11 resolutions proposed and all passed in a very rare voting outcome. Fora list of the resolutions online visit https://www.elks.org/convention/files/Atlanta2022/2022BallotResults.pdfor join us for lodge on August 4th and I will read eachresolution. That would be a great lodgeto attend as we are initiating several new members. Please join us in welcoming these new membersand think of friends and family that would enjoy giving back to the communitythat you can invite to become an ELK. Let’s keep this membership drive going to ensure a strong future and agreat lodge!
Due to extreme cost increases in producing the Elks MagazineGrand Lodge is encouraging everyone to subscribe to the online edition to savecosts. Paper costs have skyrocketed andpostage costs will increase 50% over the next 5 years. Simply go to https://www.elks.org/elksmag/online/default.cfmand opt-in on the online addition.
The 2nd annual poker run was a success and everyone hadfun. The two winners were Sue Ann Hockfor second place and Rob Bailey for first place. Both winners graciously donated theirwinnings back to the ELKS for the Veterans fund and Shop with a Hero. Both are excellent causes that are so rewardingto be a part of.
Some upcoming events to keep an eye out for are the IowaCubs game and picnic on September 17th, the Elks picnic on September24th, the golf tournament on September 25th, and I am happyto announce the return of the dueling pianos on January 21st, somark your calendars in advance.
Ryan Ford, Exalted Ruler
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