Largo, FL 2159

Largo Elks Veterans Page

This is the Largo Elks Tribute page to our veterans!

Elks National Veterans Web Page

The Elks National Veterans Service Commission officially came into existence in 1946, on the heels of the War Commission ending and inspired by a passion for continuing to serve those who risked their lives for this country. Join us in a year-long celebration of our history of service!


"They're Innovators": The Elks Veterans Emergency Assistance Program


"They're Innovators": The Elks Veterans Emergency Assistance Program

At the June 2016 Stand Down for homeless veterans in Chicago, social workers from the Veterans Administration raved about the Elks' new emergency assistance program. Listen to what they had to say in this short video. (Runtime: 2 mins., 20 secs.)

On any given night, an estimated 50,000 veterans are living on the streets. Meet seven vets who were there recently but have now exited homelessness with help from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and community partners like the Elks. Then learn more about the Elks' commitment to eliminating the scourge of veteran homelessness at



Resources for Elks Volunteers:


Our Programs Our Partnerships Volunteer Resource Center


Our Programs Our Programs Our Programs


Questions? Email or call 773/755-4736.