Silver City, NM 0413

Silver City, NM Lodge No. 0413

Welcome to Silver City Lodge No. 413!

You can also find us at


The second-oldest lodge in the state of New Mexico, Lodge 413 has a proud tradition of service to our community, particularly the veterans and our youth. For more information about our lodge, please visit the "Facilities" page — and we hope to see you at our lodge soon!

If you're in Silver City on the first or thrid Wednesday, please join us for a lodge meeting. Our lodge uses the "long-form" ritual at all meetings, and our officers work hard to perform their parts impressively from memory. Meetings begin at 7 p.m., and in accordance with Grand Lodge statutes, club facilities are closed during the meeting. Please note that only one meeting is held in the months of July and August — on the first Wednesday of the month.