San Fernando, CA 1539

San Fernando, CA Lodge News


On Sept 18TH a new, outside of the box, concept will be launched at San Fernando Lodge 1539. Following Friday Night Dinner at seven a show (concert) will be presented at nine. The show will feature the fire and grace of Santana by the band SOUL SACRIFICE. SOUL SACRIFICE plays such classic music as EVIL WAYS, BLACK MAGIC WOMAN, SHE'S NOT THERE, DANCE SISTER DANCE, SMOOTH and GAME OF LOVE. Call the Lodge office for reservations and tickets 818-361-7197

This is the kind of forward thinking that will do two things for The Lodge. It will generate income for the general fund and bring in outside guest, possible new members, that we might not reach otherwise. The idea, the planning and footwork come from Paul and Anne Marie Merz. Help them make this a success by attending and bringing relatives and friends as guest. How about some of those adult children we see at the Lodge Picnic, Christmas Party, Easter Party, Sunday Breakfast and Beefalo ? BRINGUM. They will love it.

If you have an idea for an event don't let the "we've never done that before" hold you back. Talk to Exalted Ruler Andre Haro or one of the other officers. They can help you.

Dave M.